Anastasia Dance Club from Slobodzeya won Grand-Prize of the Golden Lira International Festival

11/13/19 14:00

Anastasia Dance Club from Slobodzeya won Grand-Prize of the Golden Lira International Festival

Kid's Band Jazz Orchestra, flutes quartet led by Grigory Moseiko and musicians from Dubossary also successfully performed there

Tiraspol, November 13. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Classical compositions, unexpectedly performed Russian folk songs, immutable works of world authors – the real triumph of music as well as choreographic art could be observed at the VI International Festival-Competition of Children's Creativity Golden Lira in Chisinau.

It was organized by the Russian Community with the support of the representative office of the Russian Cooperation. This year about 500 children from Moldova, Ukraine and Pridnestrovie took part in the project.

There were three categories: vocal art, choreography and performance skills (instrumental music). Pridnestrovie was successfully represented at this competition by Anastasia Dance Club from Slobodzeya. Thye won Grand Prix of the Golden lira International Festival.

Kid's Band Jazz Orchestra, flutes quartet lead by Grigory Moseiko and young artists from Dubossary.

The highest award of the festival – the Grand Prize – was won by the Slobozeya’s children's dance band Anastasia. Children impressed judges with a fabulous performance of Metelitza. Judges noted the emotional performance and integrity of the presented images.

“When we received the cherished cup, we were swept by a storm of emotions: there was both joy and pride for pupils. Now there is understanding that we have done well and we are doing the big necessary thing”, the leader of the collective Anastasia Derbeeva shared her impressions.

The Grand Prize in the nomination «performing skill» also Tiraspol flute quartet under the management of the People's Artist of the PMR Gregory Moseiko won. There are children from 18 to 20 years old.

The Kid's Band school jazz orchestra won seven prizes at the Golden Lira Festival. Playing solo works in the nomination «Brass instruments,» David Levchenko (trumpet) and Yana Silver (trumpet) won the first places, Lisa Alexandrov (saxophone) and Timur Gutsul (trumpet) were awarded the second places, Sasha Stankul (saxophone) – the third place.

Grand Prix in the nomination «vocals» was awarded Anastasia Kuchiyash, the vocalist of Kid's Band. She also received the main prize of the festival – cultural and educational trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg “Hello, Russia!”, scheduled for 2020.

At the «Golden Lira young musicians from the school jazz orchestra performed joint works. The judges appreciated their premiere composition – the Russian folk song Valenki in the processing of the famous Pridnestrovian arranger Eugene Kitayev. Also, it was performed Glen Miller's unforgettable «In the Mood.» The team was awarded second place.

 The founder of Tiraspol Kid's Band Jazz Orchestra Andrei Foksha noted that children were a little worried before the performance because infrequently go to similar competitions.

"We have prepared a rather high-quality joint program, as well as a solo program. Children demonstrated not only good performances but also high professionalism, which is more characteristic of people of mature age", - Andrei Foksha says about participation in the contest.

The largest number of prize-winning places on «Golden Lira» was won by vocalists from Dubossary – representatives of Dubossary Music School and Exemplary Dance and Song Collective «Ovation» of the DDUT. Following the results of the contest, the first places were taken by Julia Yandulskaya, Vitalina Popa. Daniel Ignatiev, Anna Tekli, Julia Zholubova, Alexandra Goncharuk, Juliana Alekseyeva and Anastasia Podgurskaya got silver. Bronze was given to Yuri Lucinets, Polina Melek, Anastasia Belyavskaya, Valeria Frolova, Arina Resnickenko, Anastasia Resnickenko, Julia Babina, Xenia Raznerice, Katelina Negroy.



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