Import duties on goods used in technological processes will be reset in 2020

10/07/19 15:41

Import duties on goods used in technological processes will be reset in 2020

The zero rate will be applied, in particular, in relation to leather raw materials, threads and yarn, as well as raw materials for the metallurgical industry
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Tiraspol, October, 7. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The tendency to reset the rates of import customs duties on goods used exclusively in technological processes will continue in 2020. This was reported by the press service of the State Customs Committee, referring to government decisions on the establishment of customs tariffs for next year.

For example, since 2020, a zero rate of import customs duty will be applied to leather raw materials, threads and yarn, as well as raw materials for the metallurgical industry.

“In general, in the import tariff of 2020 the rates for more than 700 codes of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities were reset,” commented in the State Customs Committee.

In addition, as part of the import substitution program, a decision was made to increase the import customs duty rates for certain commodity items. In particular, when importing Portland cement, a protective duty of 20% will be applied (10% is applied in the current year).

The new tariff also retains the principle of “enlarged” establishment of rates at the sub-position level (6 CN FEA characters) and the specific component of the import customs duty on all groups of goods. According to experts, this approach makes it possible to unify the tariff for homogeneous goods and simplifies the calculation of customs duties for economic agents, including in the case of procurement planning.

It should be noted that the preparation of customs tariffs for 2020 was carried out on behalf of the Government by an interdepartmental commission composed of representatives of the ministries of economic development, finance, agriculture and natural resources, the State Customs Committee, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as the business community.

When preparing the tariff, a comprehensive analysis of the needs of the domestic market and production volumes was carried out, taking into account the need to support domestic producers and the appeal of representatives of medium and small businesses. The final document reflected the applications of participants in foreign economic activity using more than 100 codes of the Commodity Nomenclature.


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