In the familiar world of silence

09/29/19 11:00

In the familiar world of silence

The story about an athlete, artist and just beautiful girl Diana Doroshenko

Novosti Pridnestrovya Information Agency publishes a story about the talented artist and the Draughts World Championship bronze medalist Diana Doroshenko to mark the International Day of Sign Languages. She is distinguished from other people by one feature: Diana has never heard this world and cannot tell about it in words. But she is speaking by her paintings filled with bright colors. Our story is also about what a person with an ailment can achieve if there are loving parents nearby who are not embarrassed by their child, but try to fill her life with colors.

When Diana’s parents found out that she couldn’t hear, they started trying to restore their daughter`s hearing. They went to the doctors, turned to alternative medicine.

“Then it was such a disaster for me that it seemed that life was over. I really needed support from people who would calm me down and say: «it's okay, that is not a problem». Unfortunately, my husband and I did not always find support even among relatives. Therefore, I don’t lose any opportunity to talk about Diana now. Our example can be inspiration for families where deaf children grow up, and parents will understand that this is not a death sentence,” Diana’s mother Louise Doroshenko says.   

Realizing that their first and so wanted child would never be able to hear, Diana's parents began to radically change their lives. So that the daughter could attend a special correctional school, the family moved from Ukraine to Tiraspol. Louise taught Diana a lot. She even applied to a Moscow school for deaf people for additional programs.

“We were sent special training programs from Moscow school. Using this technique, we wrote the names on each item in our house so that our child learned to make sounds and could perceive the word image,” Louise recalls. It is important to note a mother huge role in the Diana’s life. Forgetting her ambitions and desires, she devoted herself completely to her daughter.

Parents not only engaged in setting Diana’s speech, but also developed her artistic abilities. The love of drawing was noticed in early childhood. At 10 the girl began to study at the Children's Art School named after A.F. Foinitsky. At first, there was a concern among teachers, but after watching her works, Diana was given a chance to study.

“The daughter started school together with ordinary children. I went there together with her for all 4 years, helped her to communicate,” Louise says.

Learning how to mix colors, Diana also learned the secrets of black and white chess board. It turned out that the girl has not only creative talent, but also an analytical mindset. She equally well managed to draw pictures and beat her competitors in checkers.

After 4 years, Diana finished an art school with honors and at the same time became the owner of champion cups and medals.

“One of Diana`s trainers Boris Shargorodsky always wanted her to get an education. We decided to further improve her artistic abilities and enter the Bendery College of Art. Victor Ivanovich Postoikin listened to us attentively and gave Diana a chance, sent her to take exams. Diana handled all the special disciplines that the exams included. I am proud of my daughter,” Louise says. 

Diana graduated from the arts and crafts department of the Art Bendery College. She began to create tapestries. All works made according to her personal sketches become an adornment at exhibitions and take first places in various competitions.

Moreover, today Diana teaches other people this art. She teaches in the Culture House in Malaeshti, where her family moved to live 5 years ago.

“Previously, our daughter taught children, but now she has an adult group. As a result many years of study Diana learned to speak without hearing anything. She has slurred, blurry speech, so sometimes she has to show or write something. The main thing is that everyone understands it. She doesn’t have problems with communication,” mother explains.

Diana is a strong, talented and confident girl. Her name has already sounded several times at world championships among hearing-impaired athletes among the winners. So far, however, she has not managed to rise above third place, but Diana is sure that she is going to make it. Diana brought her latest medal from the Draughts World Championship, which was held in Poland, in September this year.

Multiple PMR and RM champion Diana Doroshenko was recognized as the best athlete of Pridnestrovie in 2018. For merits in the sports field, glorifying the republic, she has been receiving a presidential educational scholarship for about 10 years.


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