The PMR President about the land conflict in Dubossary District: we will protect our people under any circumstances

09/20/19 15:49

The PMR President about the land conflict in Dubossary District: we will protect our people under any circumstances

The head of state called that incident a direct provocation

Tiraspol, September, 20. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The President of Pridnestrovie, Vadim Krasnoselski commented on the conflict between the residents of Dubossary District and an entrepreneur from Moldova over a land plot in the vicinity of Dzerzhinskoye village.

The presidential press service said that Vadim Krasnoselski has called the incident a provocation.

“What had happened is a direct provocation. The issue is discussed at the level of expert (working) groups. We will protect our people under any circumstances,” the head of state said during a meeting of the Consultative assembly of the First Deputies

The dispute over land in the Dubossary District arose at the end of July. The essence of the problem is that the Moldovan entrepreneur is developing a quarry for the extraction of sand and gravel on lands that belong to the Pridnestrovian kitchen-garden community.

The legal entity conducting these works acquired a land plot from the administration of the village of Koshnica, temporarily under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, since 1988, part of the land allotted by Moldovan officials has been registered in the Dubossary Energetik kitchen-garden community located in the territory controlled by the PMR.

In late August, clashes between locals and representatives of the Moldovan Company occurred on this site.

The PMR Ministry of Foreign Affairs called that incident a provocation in order to test the negotiation process to destruction. At the moment, working (expert) groups are engaged in the issue.


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