The President keeps under personal control the issue of arranging the Alley of Heroes in proper form at the Borisov cemetery of Bendery

04/08/19 14:41

The President keeps under personal control the issue of arranging the Alley of Heroes in proper form at the Borisov cemetery of Bendery

The Head of State Administration of Bendery Roman Ivanchenko, the chief engineer of Kommunaldorservice Alexey Nikulcha and the head of the department of architecture and urban planning of Bendery State Administration Zoya Klevan were invited to conversation, initiated by the President regarding reconstruction of the memorial complex on the territory of Borisov cemetery. Arranging the Alley of Heroes in proper condition is the instruction of the President. It must be completed before June 19 of the current year. This day, the cemetery, where more than a hundred defenders of Pridnestrovie found eternal slumber, is visited by the relatives and friends of the victims, residents of Bendery, the city and the republic’s leaders. Clergymen service litia here, at the monument in honor of all defenders. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that destruction and untidyness in such a place are unacceptable.

Roman Ivanchenko said that the task set by the President is being carried out. An old tiled has already been dismantled from the graves. Necessary calculations are made. Visualization of the project is completed. Gravestones will be made of gray granite. Noble shade of dark-red is selected for edging. A granite flower vase is planned by each tombstone. Paving slabs and walkways between the graves will be decorated in the same colors. Black impregnations are assumed in the design: it will add solemnity and will correspond to the mourning essence of the Alley of Heroes.

Vadim Krasnoselsky called the gray-red-black color scheme optimal. The President considers the choice of material - granite to be correct. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that facing graves and memorials with tiles is unaesthetic and irrational. He called for approaching the design and improvement of the complex important for resident of Bendery and all Pridnestrovians with full responsibility, emphasizing that preserving the memory and respectful attitude to the feat of the heroes who gave their lives for the independence of Pridnestrovie is the minimum that can and should be done. Attention will be paid to installed at the Alley of Heroes monument. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers important such an element of improvement as site landscaping.


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