Russia-oriented youth policy

05/25/18 18:39

Russia-oriented youth policy

The Pridnestrovian delegation spoke about the results of their participation in a Moscow workshop on the basics of social design

Tiraspol, 25 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A workshop on the basics of social design for professionals and those engaged in the sphere of youth policy was held in Moscow from 16 to 21 May. Among the participants was a delegation from Pridnestrovie consisting of 15 people. The head of the delegation was Igor Buga, a member of the Supreme Council, chairman of the committee on youth policy.

The opening ceremony of the workshop was held at the Resource Youth Center.  More than 130 specialists from Russia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Pridnestrovie were trained by federal experts and coaches, shared their own experience on state youth policy, volunteerism, project activities and organization of youth forums.

The program of the workshop included training, master classes, game modelling and project sessions. Each activity was aimed at maximizing the personal disclosure of all participants.

The delegation was impressed with the method of game modelling with the help of Lego bricks. Such seminars were conducted by Roskosmos experts, specialists of the British Higher School of Design and the Apple company.

"The essence of this modelling is that with the help of Lego bricks we build our dream; we realize our ideas; we can create in the shortest time the most ambitious project and believe that its implementation is possible. In addition to what you built, it was necessary to bring your idea to the colleagues," explained Nina Negrya.

Particular attention was paid to the interest of young people of various categories. It is known that young people are a socio-demographic group of citizens aged 14-30. It was discussed and shown during the seminar how and in which way people of various ages and interests can be engaged.

"Working with young people is like a carnival carousel, where the central shaft is ideology, and colourful ribbons around it are diverse interests of young people: sports, a healthy lifestyle, patriotism, modern technologies," noted Nina Negrya.

The Pridnestrovians also got familiar with the principles of "networking" – a social and professional activity aimed at the prompt and efficient resolution of the most difficult vital tasks with the help of friends and acquaintances.

The participants also met Russian TV presenter, actor and head of the media department of the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill Dmitry Khaustov. He spoke about the implementation of new projects, the work of the museum, volunteering and new technologies used to cover various events. 

According to the members of the Pridnestrovian delegation, Russian colleagues showed interest in Pridnestrovian museums. In the near future, the current information about the museums will be sent to the creators of 3D projects. Then the specialists will come to Pridnestrovie to embody their ideas.

At the end of the workshop, the participants were awarded certificates and commemorative photographs.

"What was the training for?" In order to tell, teach and prepare all comers, including from our republic, to join with their projects in the grant field of the Russian Federation, "explained Igor Buga, head of the Transnistrian delegation.

At the same time, the MP noted, at present, there are a number of legislative nuances. Specialists are to find schemes and mechanisms for their adaptation. But this step should be made immediately because Russia intends to provide all possible assistance.

"In implementing the youth policy, we have the example to follow - it is Russia. It is known that the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs in the Russian Federation has been withdrawn from the Ministry of Education and reports directly to  Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. This confirms the great attention that the Russian leadership gives to the youth, the future of the country " underscored Igor Buga.

The same, according to the parliamentarian, is indicated by an increase in the number of grants allocated by the Russian government for the implementation of youth projects. If last year this amount amounted to 370 million Russian rubles, then in 2018, it is planned to allocate 2.5 billion rubles.

Summing up the results of the trip, the delegation stressed that all the knowledge and skills they have acquired will be applied in the sphere of the country's youth policy. In addition, it is necessary to assemble a team of applicants for the creation of projects who will be able to compete with federal projects and help to win the cherished grants.


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