OSCE hands over new equipment to Joint Peacekeeping Forces

03/22/18 15:46

OSCE hands over new equipment to Joint Peacekeeping Forces

The equipment was purchased at the JCC's request

Bendery, 22 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. During a regular meeting of the Joint Control Commission (JCC), the OSCE mission handed over office equipment and technical equipment to the military observers of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces (JPF). The equipment, including laptops, colour printers, portable GPS-navigators and cameras, was purchased at the JCC’s request.

Part of the equipment will be sent to the JPF headquarters - cameras and GPS-navigators will help military observers to fulfil their duties.

"This indicates once again that we believe in the peacekeeping mechanisms; we trust our observers and are ready to carefully consider everything that is submitted by the military observers of the four sides - Russia, Moldova, Pridnestrovie and Ukraine," said Pridnestrovie's JCC co-chair Oleg Belyakov in this regard.


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