International Contest for Foreign High School Leavers held in Pridnestrovie

04/19/17 15:01

International Contest for Foreign High School Leavers held in Pridnestrovie

It is organised by Russia's Financial University

Tiraspol, 19 April. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is holding the International Contest for Foreign High School Leavers in Pridnestrovie. Registration of participants was available until 15 April on the university's official website:

The website of Pridnestrovie's Ministry of Public Education reports the contest will take place in Secondary School No. 9 on 22 April at 13:00. The winners will be given the opportunity to enter the Financial University at the expense of federal budget assignments. This university is one of the leaders in the field of economic and financial training.

The free admission of Pridnestrovian citizens to the university is also possible on an equal footing with Russian citizens if they are able to confirm their status as compatriots and provide the necessary education certificates in compliance with the procedures for admission to higher education institutions.

Information on the rules of admission to the Financial University in the 2017−2018 academic year is available on the official website of the admission commission:


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