Great Britain is interested in Pridnestrovie's request to Russia about recognition of Pridnestrovian documents

04/13/17 17:58

Great Britain is interested in Pridnestrovie's request to Russia about recognition of Pridnestrovian documents

Pridnestrovian MPs and Deputy Ambassador of the UK to Moldova discussed the threats caused by Ukraine's and Moldova's intention to establish joint border and customs control in Kuchurgan
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Tiraspol, April 13. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The threats caused by establishment of the Moldo-Ukrainian control on the Pridnestrovian-Ukrainian border were a key topic of the meeting between the English delegation and the Supreme Council deputies.

The deputy head of the UK Embassy in RM Neil Martin was also interested in the Pridnestrovie's request to Russia about recognition of Pridnestrovian documents.

The Pridnestrovian MPs drew attention of the British diplomat to the fact that joint control of Moldova and Ukraine in Kuchurgan actually puts efficiency of the EUBAM mission in doubt. The speaker of the Supreme Council Alexander Shcherba emphasized that establishment of the Moldo-Ukrainian border control has to be discussed with Pridnestrovie within the international platform in the 5+2 format (Pridnestrovie and Moldova — the sides; Ukraine, Russia, OSCE — the mediators; the USA and the EU — the observers).

Shcherba commented on the Martin's attention to the Pridnestrovie's last-week request to recognize documents of the PMR by Russia that the Russian Federation as a guarantor state of the negotiation process had full authority to do it.

«We confirmed our position that it is, in our opinion, a derivate component of the negotiation process — a few years ago, Pridnestrovie and Moldova signed agreements on recognition of the documents issued by each of the sides," the speaker of the Supreme Council told journalists.

It's important to note that in 2001 presidents of Pridnestrovie and Moldova signed the protocol on mutual recognition of documents (certificates, diplomas, driver's licenses, vehicle registration certificates) issued by the authorized bodies of the sides.

According to Shcherba, the British diplomat promised that these issues would be a subject of comprehensive research in the British Embassy, and the position of the Pridnestrovian deputies would be transferred to the Moldovan authorities.


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