Moldova’s intention to deploy border post in Ukraine’s Kuchurgan discussed by Security Council

03/23/17 15:18

Moldova’s intention to deploy border post in Ukraine’s Kuchurgan discussed by Security Council

This is the key issue of a Security Council meeting, which is currently being held in Tiraspol

Tiraspol, 23 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The president is taking part in a Security Council meeting.

The main issue on the meeting’s agenda is Moldova’s intention to deploy border and customs posts at Ukraine’s Kuchurgan crossing point, the president’s press service reports.

According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, these circumstances will have a negative impact on the economic and political situation both in Pridnestrovie and abroad.

«The issue is very pressing. I visited Russia where I met the special representative of the Russian president on Pridnestrovie, Dmitriy Rogozin. Of course, we discussed the current situation on our border. I expressed my concerns and asked Russian diplomats to take active steps to resolve this problem in the «5+2” format,” the president briefed Security Council members.


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