Krasnoselsky: we depend on Russian assistance but don't want to be spongers; we have something to offer

12/21/16 14:19

Krasnoselsky: we depend on Russian assistance but don't want to be spongers; we have something to offer

In an interview with Russia 24, the Pridnestrovian president told about the problems and prospects of the Pridnestrovian economy
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Tiraspol, 21 December. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. During his working visit to Moscow, President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky told Russia 24 about the problems and prospects of the Pridnestrovian economy.

The president noted that the PMR is a socially-oriented state with the market economy Thus, out of 500,000 republican residents, 150,000 account for pensioners and some more tens of thousands of citizens are socially vulnerable and therefore dependent on the state.

«So, of course, the execution of social programmes will be a priority," said Krasnoselsky. He noted that an increase in pensions would be one of the most important tasks for the new leadership.

Earlier, the Supreme Council approved Krasnoselsky's draft law on annual 7% increases in pensions, which he had submitted when an MP.

The president noted that the ability of the Pridnestrovian state to execute its functions largely depends on Russia's assistance, but the PMR does not want to live at Russia's expense.

«We do not want to be anyone's spongers. Of course, we are dependent on the assistance, but we want to offer ourselves to Russia. We have a good economic potential, good agriculture and prospects for good development of agricultural complex; we have a good light industry; we have good industry, on the whole. We have something to offer," said the head of state.

According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, the Russian market is rather large and can easily accommodate the Pridnestrovian goods. It is important, however, that these goods should be competitive. The president underscored that the state would its best to reduce the cost of goods manufactured in the PMR.

It is planned to lower costs by reducing the tax burden, simplifying certain administrative procedures, establishing firm energy prices. The president added that the development of the Pridnestrovian agro-industrial complex also requires a concessional lending programme and development of ameliorative infrastructure.


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