Anti-crisis programme submitted to Supreme Council

03/10/16 13:18

Anti-crisis programme submitted to Supreme Council

Tiraspol, 10 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. President Yevgeny Shevchuk submitted to the Supreme Council a draft law «On some additional governmental measures aimed at minimising the negative impact of external economic factors». In fact, this is the government's anti-crisis programme.

The draft law, including 17 articles, was submitted to the parliament in a state of legislational emergency and must be considered within 21 working days.

The bill has retained many provisions of the government's anti-crisis package that MPs rejected in April 2015. First of all, it refers to financial and construction amnesties.

The financial amnesty will apply to both enterprises and citizens. It will come into effect in 10 days after the date of its official publication. Within this period, one can voluntarily report concealed taxable entities, inventory holdings which were not cleared and legalise them by paying only 10% of the current tax rate. The amnesty does not provide for administrative or criminal liability.

The construction amnesty will apply to private houses, various auxiliary buildings and garages that were built in contravention of the law. It will also be voluntary and declarative and will last longer — until the end of 2016.

As part of another amnesty — for currency repatriation fines — it is proposed to write off these fines.

Besides the articles related with various amnesties, the president's anti-crisis programme provides for tax remissions. For example, it is proposed that the enterprises that will employ new workers in 2016 will benefit from allowances for the unified social tax. For hiring new employees they will pay UST at 12%, not at 25%. There is one condition — new jobs must be maintained for at least three months.

Individual amendments are proposed to be made to the Land Code and the law «On customs tariff». The first amendment provides for the free allocation of plots of land for the construction of apartment houses and industrial premises. Another amendment would entitle the government to lower import duties for vehicles in 2016−2017.

One of the law articles provides for a 10% income tax reduction for the enterprises selling their own products in the domestic market. There is also a prerequisite — at least 70% of domestic raw materials must be used for manufacturing these products.

There are also norms aiming to support the construction industry. Thus, proceeds from the sale of the houses built in 2016 may be exempted from taxes.

Those who will buy a flat in the houses that were built in 2014−2016 will be exempted from paying the property tax this and next year.

Finally, the most important provision of the anti-crisis package regulates prices for socially significant food products. It is proposed to enlarge the list of such products by adding beef, pork, chicken, fresh fish, sugar, salt, black tea, potato, cabbage, onion, carrot, beetroot, apple and some dairy products. If the draft law is approved by the Supreme Council, the Price and Antimonopoly Committee will be able to establish the maximum amount of mercantile price additions to such products at 30%. This measure will prevent a sharp rise in prices for food products during the crisis.


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