Tiraspol, 3 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The issue concerning the railway freight transportation across the territory of Pridnestrovie was discussed by the political agents from Moldova and the PMR George Balan and Vitaly Ignatyev at the meeting in Chisinau.
In conversation with journalists, the political agent from Pridnestrovie Vitaly Ignatyev emphasized that issue as a primary one on the agenda. He reminded that the scheme providing trafficking of import frights across the territory of the republic by the rolling stock of the Pridnestrovian Railway State Unitary Enterprise was working between 2004 and 2015.
Nevertheless, this mechanism was unilaterally changed by Moldova and Ukraine. As a result, according to Ignatyev, economic agents of the republic and also the Pridnestrovian Railway incur losses which according to projections can amount to 4.5 million USD in 2016.
«Pridnestrovie has submitted a draft protocol resolution with an offer of a concrete technological scheme developed by the Pridnestrovian experts. It would provide frights delivery to the Pridnestrovie's territory fairly and in the optimal way with the use of the Pridnestrovian rolling stock. It can minimize expenses," the Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatyev told at the concluding press conference.
He explained that such offer corresponded to the protocol resolution on the railway communication signed in 2012.
«We expect that the Moldavan side together with the Ukrainian partners will renounce of unilateral actions on this issue and will take the Pridnestrovie's offer into account. We expect some reaction of our partners within the expert group," Ignatyev noted.
According to him, the Pridnestrovian side offered to set a meeting on the railway transportation issue on March 9−11. In turn, the political agent from Moldova George Balan informed that the Pridnestrovie's draft concerning the mentioned above issue directed to the profile experts, however he hadn't been able to nominate a date of the meeting devoted to the railway transport between expert (working) groups from Pridnestrovie and Moldova.