Supreme Council enacts budget-2016 of Uniform State Social Insurance Fund

03/02/16 11:06

Supreme Council enacts budget-2016 of Uniform State Social Insurance Fund

As the Government representatives note, the budget of the fund will be adverse, however there are sources for its covering.
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Tiraspol, 2 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The MPs have voted solidly for adoption of the Uniform State Social Insurance Fund (USSIF) budget in the first reading.

The income of the USSIF will amount to 1.6 billion rubles whereas the expenditure is estimated at 2.6 billion rubles. The budget gap of the USSIF will amount to 937 304 159 rubles.

At the same time, the USSIF representatives note that the state has financial sources to liquidate the deficit and that the primary objective of the Fund remains timely financing of the obligations to pensioners and beneficiaries.

It is also noted that the estimated in July of 2016 indexation of pensions by 2% won't be carried out.

It's important to note that there are 125 thousand pensioners in Pridnestrovie. According to unofficial figures, 16 thousand more pensioners receive the Russian pension. Many of them want to return to the Pridnestrovian pension system due to significant exchange rate difference between the Russian and Pridnetrovian ruble which has developed after devaluation of the Russian currency.


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