Alevtina Slinchenko: "The road transport industry has ceased to exist"

02/19/16 12:50

Alevtina Slinchenko: "The road transport industry has ceased to exist"

Moscow, 19 February. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Pridnestrovie has lost a total of over $120 million due to a Moldovan-Ukrainian blockade of its cargo transportation, said Pridnestrovie's first deputy chair of the government, Alevtina Slinchenko, during a news conference in Moscow, news portal reports

This includes both railway and road transport cargo supplies to Pridnestrovie. «This is a considerable loss for our budgets and our economic agents," said the first vice premier

According to her, if earlier the PMR could carry out international transportation of goods, now it cannot, and the country has to invite Moldovan transporters.

«"The road transport industry has ceased to exist," she said. The Pridnestrovian railway is also losing its potential, with estimated losses for Pridnestrovian economic agents exceeding $4.5 million.


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