Yevgeny Shevchuk: but for the Russian peacekeepers, Pridnestrovie would have faced a far graver conflict than in Donbass

10/28/15 11:24

Yevgeny Shevchuk: but for the Russian peacekeepers, Pridnestrovie would have faced a far graver conflict than in Donbass

The head of state told Rossiyskaya Gazeta journalists how the country is surviving in the hybrid war.

«The hybrid war aims at exerting complex pressure on the country with a clear suggestion of military outcome. This war is conducted against us following the latest Western technologies, which have proved its efficiency in many parts of the world," said Yevgeny Shevchuk.

According to him, under such circumstances it is essential to recognise these hybrid attacks. «An undoubted sign of the hybrid war is the formation of a certain 'guerrilla movement', 'fifth column', a branching network of organisations that declare good purposes and that on zero hour are activated with the money from foreign special services and are used as an impact force during a 'maidan'. Foreign grants are given to some NGOs whose aim is to discredit the idea of the Pridnestrovian state," said the president, adding that to an ordinary citizen it may seem as an economic crisis, rise of protest sentiments, aggravation of internal conflicts.

According to him, the main target of this war is to undermine Russia's influence.

«This is the genuine reason, in my opinion, why such a complex and expensive hybrid war has been unleashed against Pridnestrovie, which does not yield its positions. The war against Pridnestrovie is the war, first of all, against the Russian presence," said Shevchuk.

The president said that over 20 years the Russian military have been maintaining peace and stability in the region and expressed confidence that, if the peacekeeping operation is transformed, economic and diplomatic warfare will move into a stage of hostilities.

«The Russian military in Pridnestrovie fulfil the function of preserving peace and participate in the peacekeeping operation. But for the Russian peacekeepers, all these diplomatic and economic wars would long have moved into a stage of hostilities and we would have faced a much graver conflict than in Donbass," summarised the president.


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