The decision on the vetoed USSIF's (Uniform State Social Insurance Fund) budget items will be made by the conciliatory commission

02/25/15 14:56

The decision on the vetoed USSIF's (Uniform State Social Insurance Fund) budget items will be made by the conciliatory commission

Pridnestrovie's law concerning the budget of the Uniform State Social Insurance Fund for 2015 and 2016-2017 planning period was reconsidered at the Supreme Council's plenary session today

It was passed by the parliament during the final reading on December 24, but after that a number of items were vetoed by the President.

Let us recall that  the Supreme Council's relevant committee didn't set aside the difficult economic and social situation in the republic and made the amendment providing the payment increase of the monthly additional aid to pension to 100 rubles versus the 50 rubles offered by the Pridnestrovie's Government. According to the Government's representatives, the adoption of this amendment threatened the timely pension payments.

The President specified in his reasons for the law rejection that there was a probability of the further situation deterioration in 2015 due to the existing restrictive measures of the neighboring states against the republic's economic agents; all that led to the considerable business activity fall and, as a result, to the revenue decrease in the budgets of all levels and in the off-budget funds.

"Expenditure increase without specification of the real sources for its covering, to choose my words carefully, is an incautious step bringing risks for the state's obligations successful satisfaction," it was noted in the reasons for the law rejection. "The cases when the state covers a part of expenditure by the borrowed money show that it can inevitably back fire, including that the lack of additional resources can make it generally impossible for the state to provide constitutionally guaranteed civil rights for social insurance in old age."

It should be noted that the Uniform State Social Insurance Fund's budget comprising the pensions for the Pridnestrovie's citizens was passed despite a high deficiency of 1.13 billion rubles. Besides, approximately 155 million from this budget also hadn't any real source for covering. The President's veto reduces the USSIF's deficiency by these 155 millions not provided with any sources.

In order to provide stable payments of the monthly additional aid to pensions and insurance of the pensioners' income in 2015 the Pridnestrovie's Government offered to establish the monthly additional 50 rubles aid to pension. The Pridnestrovie's President believes that it's necessary to support the offer of the Pridnestrovie's Government.

During the Supreme Council's session today, the decision to establish the conciliatory commission including the representatives of both legislative and executive branches of power was made for reaching of the common view in regard to the vetoed USSIF's budget items. At the same time, the lawmakers concurred that it was necessary to halt the financing of several government programs for 2015-2017 (including the "Chance" and the "Stagiaire").

As the Social Protection and Labor Minister Oksana Bulanova noted today, the USSIF's budget received less than about 17 million rubles only in February.