Customs tariffs will be established by the Government

02/04/15 18:35

Customs tariffs will be established by the Government

The supreme executive authority was ordered to develop and pass the necessary normative legal acts for the authority delegation in the next two weeks

Since March 1 the Government will have the authorities to establish the Customs tariff in Pridnestrovie. Evgeny Shevchuk signed the Decree concerning the delegation of the relevant authority to the Government the day before. This was done to increase the decision-making efficiency in the foreign economic activity sphere.

It should be recalled that the Customs tariff is established by the Decree of the President now. This authority is delegated to the Government according to the Pridnestrovie’s Constitution Art. No 65, 76−5 and the Art. No14 of the Pridnestrovie’s Constitutional Law «Concerning the Government of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic» as it reads now.