The issue presentation takes place at Tiraspol's central post office on 22 November, from 10 am to 1 pm
The director of GUP Marka Pridnestrovya, Vsevolod Lavrentyev, said to the Novosti Pridnestrovya news agency the series consists of two miniature sheets, three stamps and a first day cover.
The issue is dedicated to the liberation of Pridnestrovie, Moldova and Ukraine from German and Romanian troops in the course of the 1944 spring-summer military campaign. The stamps feature battle maps of the strategic operations: Odessa Operation (March-April 1944), Iasi-Kishinev Offensive (August 1944) and Uman-Botoshany Offensive (March-April 1944). The label features "Combat", a famous photo by Max Alpert. The photo depicts battalion commander A. Yeremenko leading with a handgun his soldiers to the assault just before his death.
The sheet stamps feature portraits of two Soviet commanders, Heroes of the Soviet Union, distinguished in the battles for Pridnestrovie and Ukraine: a native of Dnepropetrovsk, Aviation Marshal Vladimir Sudets (1904-1981) and a native of Tiraspol, a tank battle master, who destroyed 36 enemy's armour pieces, Major General Vladimir Bochkovskiy (1923-1999).
The number of issued stamps - 4,900 copies (700 miniature sheets).