
06/13/17 19:01
The total cost of the project is 8.9 billion Russian roubles
04/06/17 15:54
The document has already been submitted to the president's administration and the government for consideration and to Russia's agricultural ministry for approval
03/22/17 13:30
The implementation of the project will restore reclamation in almost all areas where irrigation networks have been preserved
01/30/17 18:30
The minister of agriculture and natural resources, Efimiy Koval, spoke about the outcome of the governmental visit to Moscow
10/12/16 18:06
It is supposed to restore and reconstruct the country's irrigation system in the area of over 26,000 ha
08/11/16 12:57
A group of experts from Kubanvodoproekt and Volgovodoproekt came to the republic to plan out required works on reconstruction of the Pridnestrovie's irrigating systems
07/11/16 18:15
The amount of assistance will exceed 2.4 billion Russian roubles