Solemn assembly was held in Tiraspol

09/06/19 14:33

Solemn assembly was held in Tiraspol

It was dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the PMR Armed Forces

The starting point of the history of the Armed Forces of Pridnestrovie is the creation of the Republican Guard on September 6, 1991. Its presence, implementation of measures to protect the sovereignty, independence, rights and freedoms of citizens, preliminary planning of actions to protect the republic made it possible to successfully repel the attacks of the aggressor during hostilities. By the end of 1992, the basic structure of the armed forces of the young state was formed. In March 1993, the personnel was sworn in to the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. These historical facts and dates were recalled today during the solemn assembly. We also talked about subsequent changes, transformations, achievements. Particular attention was paid to the recent army reform, due to which the attitude to service in the PMR Armed Forces and the atmosphere in the army have changed dramatically, the number of draftees has grown by a third, and the level of training in combat training and, accordingly, its level have increased. The educational function of the army did not go unnoticed: the republic has a full-cycle training system for military personnel. In addition, recruits-students are given the opportunity to continue their studies in parallel with military service, which is now carried out on the principle of working day. They also talked about implementation of social tasks by the PMR Ministry of Defense. The servicemen took upon themselves the restoration of the Dniester Dawns health complex, which is today not only a successfully functioning health resort, but also a venue for various cultural events. The Ministry of Defense is actively involving youth in the Sports Club Army movement, increasing the prestige of military service and promoting it among young people. The approach to providing military personnel and equipping the housing and barracks fund has changed. As part of the capital investment program, new army infrastructure facilities are being reconstructed and built. First of all were representatives of the defense department in the implementation of the presidential initiative to build affordable housing for public sector employees: today the first cooperative house was commissioned, with 80 families receiving the keys to the apartments. This socially significant event, dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the PMR Armed Forces, was mentioned in his speech by the Commander-in-Chief Vadim Krasnoselsky.

Congratulating the military, the President expressed special gratitude to those who stood at the origins of the creation of the armed forces of the republic, which at that time took the first steps towards independence. The Commander-in-Chief noted the importance and courage of the decision to stand up in difficult times to defend the young state.

Speaking about positive changes in the army, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that after the reform, the number of appeals to the President from young people seeking to join the Pridnestrovian army has increased markedly. The President spoke about further work aimed at developing the armed forces. He highlighted such areas as updating infrastructure, material and technical equipment and supplying units, providing modern uniforms, improving the quality of food for military personnel, further increasing the level of combat training of personnel, working with personnel, and providing material incentives for military personnel.

“There is one simple secret to success - when you work, you achieve everything. Even negative experience will be a useful acquisition for the implementation of certain ideas in the future”, said Vadim Krasnoselsky, targeting the military and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense for further productive work.

Congratulating the representatives of the PMR Armed Forces on the holiday, the President personally awarded the most distinguished servicemen.



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