The peacekeeping operation guarantees respect for human rights in Pridnestrovie

12/13/23 15:59

The peacekeeping operation guarantees respect for human rights in Pridnestrovie

At the conference at PSU they discussed the peacekeepers` role in ensuring the security of the residents of the republic

Tiraspol, December 13. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A scientific and practical conference on the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights continues at the Pridnestrovian State University. This topic has been studied at the university scientifically for 15 years. Every year in December they hold a conference that lasts a week and a half. During this period, the university holds many events that cast light on one or another aspect of the issue.

For example, today’s round table, organized by the Institute of Public Administration and Social Sciences and the Humanities together with the Center for the Study of Peacekeeping, was dedicated to the human right to peace and security. They talked a lot about the role of the peacekeeping operation and its impact on the confidence of Pridnestrovians in the future.

An expert of the Joint Control Commission from the Pridnestrovian delegation, Vyacheslav Kurdyukov, recalled that the main task of the peacekeeping mission is to prevent the resumption of hostilities, and it has been successfully dealing with this for more than 30 years, which, however, not everyone likes.

“Attempts are being made by Moldova to change the current format of the peacekeeping operation under the auspices of the Russian Federation to another, police one, with the prevailing influence of the EU and NATO. The desire to reorient the peacekeeping process in a pro-European direction has always been evident, but this has become especially noticeable now. There are talks that this operation should be stopped or changed. All this especially worsened in 2020 with PAS and Maya Sandu coming to power. This is the starting point of the sharp escalation that we now have in the work of the JCC,” Vyacheslav Kurdyukov said.

He emphasized that the Moldovan delegation was demonstratively sabotaging the work of the Joint Control Commission as the main governing body of the peacekeeping operation. Violates regulations, ignores the fundamental principle of consensus decision-making.

Moldova is grossly violating the right of Pridnestrovians to security. Thus, for 1.5 years now, at each meeting of the JCC, the Moldovan delegation has demanded the elimination of posts set up after the introduction of the red (and then yellow) terrorist alert.

“For us this is an obvious need. While they say: there is also a state of emergency in our republic, yet we don’t introduce such posts, we don’t set them up. They didn’t have terrorist attacks, but we did,” the expert added.

Another representative of the Pridnestrovian delegation to the JCC, Viktor Ganenko, recalled the threats that exist for our state in the context of geopolitics. They create potential risks for the safety of every resident of the republic.

Among them are the presence of external military threats, socio-political instability in neighboring states, and the possibility of armed provocations. And also attempts by foreign states and international organizations to unbalance and transform the current format of the peacekeeping operation and interrupt the negotiation process.

“This is the activity of international terrorist and radical organizations. This is a decrease in the military-political influence, potential and capabilities of the Russian Federation in our region, leading to a disruption of the existing balance of power. We also consider the expansion of military-political alliances in the region or the strengthening of their strike and offensive capabilities and the build-up of external infrastructure near the borders of the PMR to be threats,” Viktor Ganenko noted.

Director of the Center for the Study of Peacemaking at PSU Elena Bobkova recalled that Pridnestrovie as a state was created in response to gross and flagrant violations of human rights. Therefore, the topic is relevant and important.

“On the banks of the Dniester, it is the Russian peacekeeping mission that is the main guarantor of the implementation of any human rights for more than 30 years, because they realize the first and paramount right - to peace! The right of peace will not be realized, not a single other human right will be realized,” she said, commenting on the stated theme of the conference.

Elena Bobkova also recalled that, according to recent opinion poll, replacing the peacekeeping format is simply unrealistic and unacceptable for Pridnestrovians. The overwhelming majority of participants said that the mission should not just remain, but be strengthened by a Russian peacekeeping military base on the territory of Pridnestrovie.


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