The Russian Federation State Duma is preparing a parliamentary inquiry on the Russian public figures deportation from Moldova

12/14/21 15:10

The Russian Federation State Duma is preparing a parliamentary inquiry on the Russian public figures deportation from Moldova

Parliamentarians will enquire with the Russian government requesting information on response measures

Tiraspol, December 14 /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The State Duma Committee of Russia for CIS Affairs will prepare a parliamentary inquiry to the Russian Federation Government on how the proposals contained in the Duma statement on Russian citizens’ and compatriots’ supporting in Pridnestrovie are being implemented. Such a statement was adopted in June this year. Additionally, the Duma will request information on retaliatory measures against recent detentions as well as Russian public figures’ deportation at the Chisinau airport.

It was announced by the Chairman of the Committee for CIS Affairs Konstantin Zatulin, at today’s plenary session of the Russian Federation’s State Duma.

 “Last Sunday, presidential elections were held in Pridnestrovie, where about 200 thousand Russian citizens are living. It’s important to note that a democratic process is taking place in the republic, despite the official recognition’s lack. However, on the eve of these events, additional efforts were made by Moldova to blockade Pridnestrovie. Ten Russian citizens, including public figures, politicians, scientists, and experts were deported upon arrival at the Chisinau airport,” Zatulin said.

According to the Russian deputy, these actions were taken in gratitude for gas debts concessions.

The State Duma Chairman Viacheslav Volodin noted that the parliamentary inquiry, after preparation and approval, will be considered at one of the Russian Parliament’s lower house sessions.

On December 12, presidential elections were held in Pridnestrovie, following which the sitting head of state Vadim Krasnoselsky won the elections. He enlisted the help of 79.4 percent of voters.

On December 9-10, some Russian public figures, human rights activists, and experts were detained at the Chisinau airport and then deported. Among them were Natalia Narochnitskaya, Pavel Pozhigailo, Vladimir Zhuravlev, Alexander Kholodov, Alexander Brod, Evgeny Baklanov, Vladimir Egorov. They were allocated to various events in Moldova, and international observers at the presidential elections in Pridnestrovie.


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