Observers from Nagorno-Karabakh: Literally from the first moment we felt the people’s festive mood

12/12/21 17:24

Observers from Nagorno-Karabakh: Literally from the first moment we felt the people’s festive mood

The early voting practice was also positively assessed by Artsakh’s representatives

Tiraspol, December 12 /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Nagorno-Karabakh’s observers assessed the electoral process’s course. They visited about 10 polling stations in Tiraspol and Grigoriopol region. Representatives from the Artsakh Republic noted not only a high activity but citizens’ special mood.

“Literally from the first moment, we felt the festive mood that prevailed in almost every station. Music, Pridnestrovian national dances inspired us, and it was felt how people willingly went to polling stations literally with families. The atmosphere in the stations was relaxed. For instance, by mid-afternoon, about 25 percent had voted in Grigoriopol. It was felt that people are going to vote not only for themselves but for their children too,” Semyon Afiyan the NKR MFA Secretary-General noted.

According to Arayik Lazaryan, the CEC representative from the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, such a festive mood amazed them, everything happened in a warm, good atmosphere. There wasn’t any fuss, people came and voted for their future.

The early voting positive experience, and the possibility of such a scheme used in their republic, was noted by international observers. This’s an example of a new experience in the electoral process’s organizing for them.

The Central Election Commission Chairman Elena Gorodetskaya noted that this year possibilities for early voting have been expanded. This’s due to both covid-19 restrictions and the desire to slightly relieve the electoral commissions on the main voting day.


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