Pridnestrovian Rebublican Bank published industrial enterprises monitoring results

09/10/21 13:31

Pridnestrovian Rebublican Bank published industrial enterprises monitoring results

Pridnestrovian industry leaders are showing a cautious optimism

Tiraspol, September 10 /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The results of an industrial enterprises questionnaire survey conducted in July this year indicate moderately positive shifts in the economic situation assessment in comparison with the previous year’s similar observations.

An improvement of the overall economic situation in republic on the first quarter results was noted by 22.4 per cent of respondents (4.3 per cent the previous year), a deterioration by 10.2 per cent (about 78.7 per cent, respectively), while the forecast values for the period under review, (according to a questionnaire survey in February of the year of 2021) were within 16.7 per cent and 10.4 per cent, respectively. According to 67.3 per cent of respondents, the situation has remained unchanged, as well as the general conditions for doing business (69.4 per cent), the Pridnestrovian Republican Bank material describes.

Almost 43 per cent of Pridnestrovian large industrial enterprises heads believe that in the second half of the year of 2021 the economic situation in the republic at least won’t deteriorate. A positive forecast was given by another 20.4 per cent of top managers: they expect a slight increase in indicators, and about 30.6 per cent found it difficult to assess the economic situation’s state.

About 43 per cent of large industrial enterprises heads are also confident that their business financial situation can be improved over the next six months. Another 28.6 per cent assume that indicators will remain at the current level.

The most relevant tasks for the real sector were the reduce production costs (their growth was recently indicated by more than 57 per cent of respondents), the previous load volumes’ restoration, expanding into new markets, as well as the development of new activities.

According to Vestnik PRB informational and analytical publication, modernization and production technology improvement in the near future will become a priority for 40.8 per cent of respondents. Every third enterprise is planning to increase the volume of capital investments.

Generally, the enterprises technical equipment was assessed by almost 80 per cent of managers as acceptable. “Technical equipment condition was described as good by 10 per cent of respondents, but by 6.1 per cent as bad one,” the newspaper writes.

At the same time, nowadays almost 40 per cent of machinery as well as equipment deterioration at enterprises ranges from 60 to 80 per cent.

According to the Pridnestrovian Republican Bank monitoring data, the two main factors negatively affecting the Pridnestrovian industrial sector operation are a qualified labor’s shortage as well as a highly competitive in the domestic and export markets.


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