The President held a meeting on the fund of capital investment program adjustments for the current year and the formation of the Capital Investment Fund-2021

09/09/20 12:40

The President held a meeting on the fund of capital investment program adjustments for the current year and the formation of the Capital Investment Fund-2021

The working discussion initiated by the President, organized in the format of video conference, was attended by the leadership of presidential executive office, the PMR Government, the Supreme Council, as well as heads of state administrations of cities and regions of the republic. Opening the conversation, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled the importance and proven efficiency of the state capital investment program, the purpose of which is to update the country's social infrastructure. This year that is taking place in the context of coronavirus pandemic, repair and construction plans on national scale had to be repeatedly adjusted. Nevertheless, financing of the program, albeit in reduce volume, was carried out, some of the objects have already been commissioned, work on others continues, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled. He instructed to make the necessary changes to the budget for this year, increasing the size of the fund of capital investment 2020 by the amount necessary to cover debt obligations and complete work at a number of facilities. Among them there is capital school number 18, rural houses of culture and several park areas. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that all possible measures will be taken to settle accounts with contractors within the budget of the current year, but if such an opportunity does not appear, executors must be sure that the state will settle accounts with them with the adoption of the 2021 budget. Accounts payable, if necessary, will be transferred as top priority in terms of financing the item in the fund of capital investment 2021 program. In its formation, priority will be given to objects, construction, reconstruction and repair of which have already begun. That is, the task is to complete the work in municipal special correctional educational institution in Tiraspol, the capital school No. 17, children's hospital in Bendery, sports complex in Rybnitsa, and a park in Kamenka next year within the framework of the fund of capital investment. Schools and kindergartens requiring immediate attention will be included in the program. Health care facilities are still among the priority: the Government has drawn up a list of 19 items; the list includes not only hospitals and polyclinics, but also medical and obstetrical stations. The gradual restoration of gas, heat, water and power supply systems will continue. The President considers it unreasonable to start implementing global infrastructure projects involving serious financial investments and long-term multi-stage work in 2021.

Chairman of the Government Alexander Martynov said that repair of housing stock of the country required heavy disimbursement - approximately 200 million rubles. Taking into account the impossibility of this amount in the existing circumstances, massive and widespread repair of multi-storey buildings by means of the fund of capital investment is not provided in the coming year: only the most difficult sections will be included in the program. At the same time, it is planned to carry out control and verification measures in all housing administrations. There is a proposal to give campaign managers the right to borrow at subsidized interest rate. A corresponding legislative initiative is being prepared.

Funds will also be allocated for development of the reclamation complex. At the same time, it is important that agrarians are more actively involved in the process of reconstruction and expansion of the irrigation system, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky. He recalled that the state provides land users with serious support in the form of underestimated cost of irrigation water, favorable lending and preferential taxation and expects a return on the part of agricultural producers. The State Institution Irrigation Systems is waiting for changes. The Government proposes to reorganize the enterprise.

Discussion of the issue of forming the capital investment program will continue tomorrow within the framework of the meeting under the President, which will be devoted to the draft budget for the coming year.


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