Determining the sources of budget deficit coverage - the theme of the meeting under the President

05/25/20 18:30

Determining the sources of budget deficit coverage - the theme of the meeting under the President

The President held a video conference with participation of the leadership of the presidential executive office, the PMR Government and the Supreme Council. The meeting is dedicated to the budget. Legislators initiated a working discussion. The goal is to discuss proposals for adjusting government spending, the need for which appeared due to significant shortfalls in expected revenues and serious unplanned expenses provoked by the coronavirus pandemic. It is necessary to find funds to cover the additional budget deficit. According to calculations that are relevant to date, we are talking about 243 million. There is almost no need to talk about unplanned sources of income. Therefore, the main task is to reduce costs, that is, to close, suspend or partially reduce the financing of a number of state programs. Among them there are support for youth and entrepreneurship, reproduction of the mineral resource base, development of tourism, subsidization of laying stone fruit orchards, purchase of special equipment for the road industry, improvement of parking lots, activities under the Ecological Fund, development of state university, preservation of cultural heritage sites, acquisition and printing of school literature, organization of sanatorium-resort rehabilitation, some targeted medical programs. FKV-2020 is under serious reduction. These and other proposals were discussed in detail. They agreed that it is necessary to try to finance already undertaken obligations. Expenditure items that are not put into operation are being closed or suspended. The preservation of state subsidies to milk suppliers, implementation of the Equal Opportunities, Oncology, Tuberculosis and Immunization of the Population programs seems to be expedient - perhaps not in full, but to the maximum extent possible (probably at the level of last year). Another important aspect: most of the designated programs have already been suspended. This decision was made after the state of emergency was introduced in Pridnestrovie and will be valid until June 30 of this year.

After reasoned exchange of views, the meeting participants agreed that most of the proposals needed more details. Representatives of the legislative and executive branches of government will hold additional joint consultations. The President called on everyone to be concentrated and consolidated, noting that everyone has one goal - to get out of the economic crisis with the least losses, fulfilling social obligations to the country's citizens. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the main task today is to deal with the primary source of the problem - the coronavirus.


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