Info-tour in Pridnestrovie was conducted for workers of the tourism sector of Moldova

10/02/24 20:50

Info-tour in Pridnestrovie was conducted for workers of the tourism sector of Moldova

They were introduced to the sights of the Grigoriopol and Dubossary Districts

Tiraspol, October 2. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The day before, an info-tour was conducted for guides and representatives of travel agencies of the Republic of Moldova. Participants were taken to interesting places in the Grigoriopol and Dubossary Districts, as reported on the PMR Tourism Agency website.

The tour began with the horse breeding house-museum La Botul Calului, located in the village of Malaeshti. This house, which is over 100 years old, presents attributes of rural life.

During the tour, representatives of Moldovan travel agencies were able to immerse themselves in the history of German settlements in the village of Glinoe - they looked at the building of the former German church (the current House of Culture).

Then the guests were taken to the Dubossary sewing factory Intercenter Lux, where they were shown the process of outerwear production.

The trip continued with an excursion to the Buket Moldavii Plant, which has a century-old history and has won many awards, including international ones.

An interesting location was also a fake house in the village of Rogi, erected for the shooting of the feature film "Bird`s Milk".

Representatives of the Moldovan tourism industry thanked the Pridnestrovian Tourism Agency for organizing the info tour and expressed their desire to include the sights of the Grigoriopol and Dubossary Districts they saw in their tourist routes.


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