Pridnestrovians expressed gratitude to the peacekeepers

07/25/24 09:56

Pridnestrovians expressed gratitude to the peacekeepers

Flower-laying ceremony was held at the “Blessed are the Peacemakers” Peace Arch on the eve of the next anniversary of the entry of the Russian Peacekeeping Forces into Pridnestrovie, which was subjected to military aggression from Moldova in 1992.

The memorial construction appeared in the republic in 2017. Its construction is a component of the humanitarian project “Road of Peace”, which unites once hot spots – territories in the history of which there have been armed conflicts or terrorist attacks. The Arch of Peace was installed in Pridnestrovie at the entrance to the Tiraspol-Bendery bridge, along which peacekeepers arrived on July 29, 1992. Many Pridnestrovian experienced and beginners architects fought for the right to participate in the creation of a memorial arch at one time. A competitive selection was held among diverse architectural solutions. The commission gave preference to the project presented by a group of students from the Department of Architecture of Pridnestrovian State University named after Shevchenko. Elena Bakhovaya, Ekaterina Verchinskaya and Irina Mikhailova presented a symbolic structure in the form of angel wings, under the protective cover of which is the Pridenstrovian land. The bell and the Orthodox cross are amulets.

Flowers are brought to the “Blessed are the Peacemakers” arch and its bell comes to life every year on memorable dates. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky on behalf of the entire Pridnestrovian people expressed gratitude to the peacekeepers for their contribution to preserving peace on Pridnestrovian land and wherever their duty calls them, laying flowers at the base of the memorial arch. The ceremony was attended by the First President of the PMR Igor Smirnov, officials, military personnel, clergy, social activists, Suvorov students, and Youth Army members.

Russian Ambassador Oleg Vasnetsov with his wife arrived at the event. “We managed through concerted efforts, dedicated work, and competent command during the 32 years of operation of the mission to maintain peace in the region and effectively carry out the tasks that were formulated in 1992. No conflicts occurred in the Security Zone during this entire period; the situation is controlled and manageable. You and I know that many peacekeeping missions were created during this period in modern international relations, but their functions and tasks ended after some time. This peacekeeping mission has been going on for 32 years.. This is an indicator of effectiveness,” stated the Russian diplomat. Oleg Vasnetsov conveyed a congratulatory message from Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Yuryevich Galuzin.


Assessing the significance and effectiveness of the peacekeeping mission on the Dniester the PMR President noted, “There is such a thing as time. It puts everything in its place – sooner or later. It is difficult for me to judge the external factor, the external perimeter; it would be wrong on my part to evaluate this. As for the Pridnestrovian land, time has proven the effectiveness of the operation. It was Russian peacekeepers who stopped the war here, it was Russian peacekeepers who saved hundreds, thousands, and maybe tens of thousands of lives that were at risk if the conflict developed. We see very well what a developing conflict is. Russian peacekeepers stopped the war, established peace, and gave a future to the negotiation process. Other than negative emotions or outright lies there has been nothing evidential to cast doubt on the peacekeeping mission of the Russian Federation, the joint peacekeeping operation for 32 years. Let me remind you that Pridnestrovian and Moldovan peacekeepers are participating in the peacekeeping operation in addition to Russian military personnel. The mechanisms of this peacekeeping operation are working effectively. The most important thing is peace, and it exists. Time will tell”.

Answering questions from journalists, Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the fact that, despite the prolonged downtime in the work of the “Permanent Conference...” format, the negotiation process continues. Peacekeepers provide the opportunity for peaceful dialogue. The PMR President commented on the national defense strategy adopted by the neighboring republic and the allegedly existing threats, “I think the most important threat to the security of Moldova is the illiterate actions of Moldovan politicians, false statements, underestimation of the situation. We must always strive for peace and speak with facts. If there is a security threat, let them provide facts where this threat exists. There are none. Peacekeepers of the Russian Federation and Pridnestrovian peacekeepers are fulfilling their mission, as are the military personnel of the PMR Armed Forces, who are ready to defend their Motherland if necessary. We are obliged to protect ourselves and we can do it”.

Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized, speaking about geopolitics, the prospects for restoring peace along the perimeter of the republic, and eliminating terrorist threats, “Any war ends in peace. I don't know any other examples in history. Everyone knew from history that even the hundred-year war between Britain and France ended with peace. There will be peace and there will be creation, this is inevitable. It is within politicians’ power to rush things. War ends in peace, any aggression ends in peace, in any case. So why then save for the future and lose people and the economy? Please, get onto it straight away. I have no doubt that all this escalation, attempts to carry out terrorist acts are all moments of aggression, but it will all pass. This probably won’t happen tomorrow unfortunately, but I have no doubt that it is inevitable”.


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