The President assessed the work of the state administration of Bendery

02/08/24 13:57

The President assessed the work of the state administration of Bendery

The President and other officials listened to report from the head of Bendery. Roman Ivanchenko spoke about the results of the activities of the state administration he heads and the life of the town in 2023.

The population of Bendery is 87197 people. The largest age category is over 60 years old (25391 people). 465 Bendery residents were born in 2023. The number of marriages exceeds the number of divorces: 282 and 232, respectively.

Local budget revenues amounted to 377.1 million rubles, nearly 275 of which were own. 324.8 million were spent on city needs during the year, 220.3 of which were financing socially protected items, 9.1 million were landscaping, 5.8 million were capital investments.

53 business entities in 2023 were created in Bendery, 49 ceased operations. 826 small and medium-sized businesses were registered. The total number of individual entrepreneurs in Bendery is 5,464 (a year earlier – 4,911). The simplified taxation system was preferred by 2640, the patent system by 2550, the self-employed by 78, and peasant farms by 196.

The sum of about 20 million from Capital investment fund was spent in 2023 in Bendery. 14.7 million – capital investments from the municipal budget. Almost seven million is the housing stock maintenance program. Allocated 4.7 million rubles to update heating networks and heating systems. Among other things, the boiler room of school No. 20 (Giska village) was reconstructed. The amount of investment of the municipal unitary enterprise Benderyteploenergo amounted to 27.2 million over five years. 1.3 million was spent under a targeted program for the overhaul of in-house heating and hot water supply networks. This is the largest amount of investment under this line since 2017. Work has been completed in 185 houses (almost five million rubles have been spent) in just seven years, another 277 require reconstruction of heat and hot water supply systems, and 32 facilities are in the near future. The in-house cold water supply system and sewage system were reconstructed in 2017 - 2023 in 327 high-rise buildings (investment - 3.8 million rubles), another 138 houses are awaiting repair. This issue will be completely resolved within one and a half to two years, according to current estimates. This year's plans include fifty addresses. Investments in 2023 are the highest in seven years and in the modernization of water supply and sanitation systems in Bendery - 16.9 million allocated (from 2017 - 60.4 million). Roman Ivanchenko noted that the priority was the repair of the sewerage system - the collector in 2022; more attention will be paid to water supply in the current year. Electrical networks: 15.6 km during 2023 were updated or repaired. 200 million invested in Bendery roads over seven years. More than a quarter of this amount are investments in 2023. The utility networks located underneath were updated in parallel with the renewal of the roadway. Roman Ivanchenko mentioned the purchased equipment for road patching. According to the head, its productivity is higher, it means the process will go faster.

Work continued to improve the memorial to the deceased defenders of the Fatherland at the Borisov cemetery in the reporting year. A project initiated by the President to install uniform monuments is being implemented. 183 units have been installed since 2019.

The group continues to work actively on centralized maintenance and repair of buildings, structures, and premises of educational institutions. 25 rooms, one gym, two first-aid posts, three roofs were renovated, fifty playgrounds were landscaped, etc in 18 educational institutions. A similar group was created for the needs of sports institutions. 826 students were involved in summer leisure and recreation activities. There were 12 sites – at educational institutions and the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity. 1.3 million was allocated to strengthen the material and technical base of the city’s sports institutions.

Landscaping: 949 outdated and dangerous trees were demolished, 34128 units of green space were planted during the year.

Work with escheated property has been intensified. 22 objects were recognized as such in 2023, and 27 are in operation. Nine residential apartments were provided to those on the waiting list, four were sold. Measures are being taken against mismanaged objects.

The head of the city said that seven apartments were allocated for orphans and other categories of citizens under the social protection of the state in the reporting year.

2023 was an anniversary year for Bendery. The city celebrated the 615th anniversary of the first mention. Many events were dedicated to this date, including those related to the completion of work on socially significant objects (Sovetskaya Street, Oktyabrsky Park, etc.). The city held 1256 cultural events in just one year with a total participation of almost 260 thousand people.

The participants in the extended meeting, after hearing the head’s report, addressed him with questions and suggestions. They discussed the issue of private water supply outages in the Solnechny microdistrict, the need to pay more attention to courtyard areas, the fate of the rural medical institution of Giska, the payment mechanism for street lighting, the need for urgent modernization of the collector pumping station and other issues relevant to Bendery residents.

The President directed in his speech the leadership of Bendery and officials in general to listen to the opinions of local residents. At the same time, the approach to solving problems must be reasonable and state-based, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized. He recalled that many villagers spoke in favor of the construction of a modular-type paramedic-midwife station in the village of Giska, noting that the city hospital is accessible and accepts residents of Giska. As for the proposals to organize institutions for the permanent residence of single citizens requiring special care in the old building of a rural medical outpatient clinic that requires serious reconstruction, then, , according to the President, it is necessary to understand that we are talking not only and not so much about the construction of the walls of a social institution, but about ensuring its full functioning. It seems advisable for the country's leadership to open one large republican institution rather than several municipal ones. Work in this direction is underway.

The President focused on the condition of Bendery roads, stating that it remains the worst in the republic despite the efforts made and investments made. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that it is necessary to move away from the principles of distribution of funds from the Road Fund that have lost their relevance, based on existing realities, change the categories to which certain directions and sections are classified, and take into account the intensity of use. The PMR President considers that the approach to recording intra-block passages needs to be changed.

Another area that Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended paying more attention to and promoting entrepreneurial initiatives in this area is domestic tourism.

The work of the Bendery state administration was recognized by the President in general as satisfactory.


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