The PMR President met with the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic

11/30/23 14:18

The PMR President met with the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic

Meeting of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to the Republic of Moldova Pavol Ivan was held at the presidential executive office. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Vitaly Ignatiev took part in the conversation.

Pavol Ivan has been heading the Slovak Embassy in Moldova since spring 2022. He has already been to Pridnestrovie. It was the first meeting with the PMR President. Welcoming the guest, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the constructiveness of many years of Pridnestrovian-Slovak interaction in various areas, and mentioned the productive participation of Slovakia in the work of the “Permanent Conference...” format. In particular, the discussion was about the period of this country’s chairmanship in the OSCE in 2019. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that Miroslav Lajcak, who headed the Slovak Foreign Ministry at that time, visited Pridnestrovie several times and actively participated in the work to build up the negotiation process, adhering to neutrality. The PMR President considers the “5+2” format meeting that took place during the year of the Slovak presidency to be an important achievement, even despite the signing of the final document that never happened. The role of Slovakia as a member of the EU remains important today, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized. He noted that he was interested in learning the opinion of the country represented by Pavol Ivan on a wide range of issues.

The Slovak diplomat noted in turn that he is open to dialogue and ready to discuss topics of various directions. It was decided to pay special attention to bilateral Pridnestrovian-Slovak contacts in the spheres of economics, culture, and education. Pavol Ivan focused on the active foreign trade activities of Pridnestrovie and Slovakia, mentioning such economic agents as Moldavian metallurgical plant and KVINT. At the same time, the guest noted with satisfaction that there are products from Slovak manufacturers on the Pridnestrovian market. Tourism was named among the areas of promising interaction between the two republics. The Ambassador said during the conversation that he had planned meetings with representatives of the PMR Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Pridnestrovian State University. Pavol Ivan informed Vadim Krasnoselsky about the allocated grant for the construction of a sports ground in one of the Pridnestrovian villages, and announced plans for next year regarding the provision of grant funds.

The diplomat spoke about the new parliament and government formed in Slovakia, as well as the upcoming presidential elections. He emphasized at the same time that the country’s position remains unchanged in terms of the desire to resolve the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict exclusively through diplomatic instruments, taking into account the interests of both sides.  Pavol Ivan expressed hope for the resumption of direct dialogue between Tiraspol and Chisinau. The Ambassador proposed specific proposals for discussion.

The meeting continued without the participation of the media.


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