The President congratulated a teacher of music theoretical disciplines Olga Dmitrievna Zhukovskaya on her anniversary

11/04/23 12:06

The President congratulated a teacher of music theoretical disciplines Olga Dmitrievna Zhukovskaya on her anniversary

The PMR President visited children's music school number 1 in Bendery today. The reason for Saturday's visit is festive. The President arrived to congratulate a teacher of music theoretical disciplines Olga Dmitrievna Zhukovskaya on her 85th birthday, among whose students was graduate of 1985 Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The President, welcoming the birthday person, expressed gratitude to her not only for the knowledge and skills that she generously shares with students, but also for the fact that the teacher introduces young people to musical culture. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the professional longevity of Olga Zhukovskaya, who has remained faithful to her favorite work and educational institution for 62 years. Recalling his school-years, Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about Olga Dmitrievna’s integrity and exactingness, and recalled that she valued perseverance, considering hard work and diligence to be important components of success. The President assured that studying at a music school left a bright mark on his life, and contribution of Olga Zhukovskaya cannot be overestimated. Musical education, according to Vadim Krasnoselsky, shapes the personality, filling with harmony and correct perception of true values.

The merits of Olga Zhukovskaya were officially distinguished. A presidential decree was signed awarding her the honorary title “Honored Worker of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic”. Vadim Krasnoselsky presented the birthday person with the appropriate certificate and badge.

Colleagues and relatives of the birthday person joined in the congratulations, wishing Olga Zhukovskaya to maintain her creative and pedagogical enthusiasm.


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