The current and planned construction of temples was discussed in the course of the meeting with the President

06/27/23 13:16

The current and planned construction of temples was discussed in the course of the meeting with the President

Discussion of plans for construction of a temple in Dnestrovsk took place at the presidential executive office. The Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa addressed the leader of the country with the initiative to build a church. The idea was not born today. This is a long-standing request of the residents of the city, which is home to about 10 thousand people, and the nearby village of Nezavertailovka. The project of the temple was developed by the diocese in 2020. The city-forming enterprise Moldavian GRES, and the Inter RAO Company, which includes the power plant in Dnestrovsk, decided to finance the construction of a socially significant facility. Representatives of investors attended a meeting under the President today, confirming their involvement in the implementation of the idea. Vadim Krasnoselsky thanked them for their support of this initiative. It is noted that the modern history of Pridnestrovian region is rich in facts related to the strengthening of Orthodoxy, the restoration of old and the construction of new churches. About a dozen churches were erected on the territory of the republic during several decades, which replaced the tragic times of persecution of the church.

The meeting participants discussed the existing developments in working order. The project proposed by the diocese is supported. The temple will be decorated in traditional style. Estimated by the developers capacity is up to 200 people. The location has been determined. The church will bear the name of Elijah the Prophet. The planned construction period is three years. Work will begin this year. The first stage includes summing up communications and laying the foundation. They immediately think over the accompanying infrastructure, outbuildings, elements of the improvement of the adjacent territory and its landscaping.

Another temple that the President was talking about today is in honor of the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Chonae. Its construction is underway in Pervomaisk and is at the final stage. Domes are ready. The arch are being designed, the facade is being transformed, 60% of the necessary church utensils have been purchased, and the iconostasis is being made. An important aspect that Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on is that two dozen icons for the new temple are painted by local artists – representatives of the Art College in Bendery who received the appropriate blessing. Another interesting point is related to the fact that local craftsmen are still mastering a new technique for covering elements with gilding.

The erection of the main domed cross was scheduled for the 14th of August. The solemn event will be timed to coincide with the important Orthodox holiday of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of Jesus Christ, said Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa. The consecration of the finished temple is expected to be held on November 21 – on St. Michael's Day. They are preparing a big feast. It is expected that the decoration of the celebration will be the performance of the Pridnestrovian State Choir – a famous group, which is known for highly professional performance of sacred music among other things. It is planned to plant a green alley on the occasion of the consecration of the church with the active involvement of local residents in the action. The option of bookmarking next to the orchard temple is being considered. The PMR President drew attention to the need to think over the irrigation system in a timely manner.


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