The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and the leaders of the Russian delegations who arrived in Pridnestrovie on a working visit, Alexander Lukashevich and Vitaly Tryapitsyn, talked with media representatives at the end of the meeting

03/23/23 15:49

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and the leaders of the Russian delegations who arrived in Pridnestrovie on a working visit, Alexander Lukashevich and Vitaly Tryapitsyn, talked with media representatives at the end of the meeting

Violetta Ganina, First Pridnestrovian TV channel:

The first question is to you, Alexander Kazimirovich. It concerns a series of terrorist attacks that were prevented in Pridnestrovie. What could the OSCE Mission do and what steps could be taken to prevent critical escalation of tension?

Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE:

Well, this is probably a question for the leadership of the Mission. We did not directly discuss this topic with them. We are waiting for the results of the investigation. Our Pridnestrovian colleagues shared some interesting facts with us today. This is not directly related to the work of the Mission. Although the general problem of the security of the region is part of the mandate, of course, therefore,  Mrs. Keiderling, in contacts with the leadership of Pridnestrovie will get a clearer idea of ​​the events, consequences and will probably draw some definite conclusions from the point of view of her activities to maintain regional stability.

Irina Levitskaya, TSV:

Alexander Kazimirovich, how do you assess Moldova's official plans to withdraw from the CIS structure and the plans of the Moldovan side to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation?

Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE:

This is more, probably a two-sided context after all. It is difficult for me, representing Russia in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, to answer specifically. I consider that any sanctions measures are not a way out of some situations. The issues need to be addressed bilaterally. We are reacting to the illegal sanctions of the European Union, which hurt the economies of European countries, first of all. Sanctions pressure is always a path to dead end, from which it will be necessary to get out. No one has ever benefited from such measures.

Alexey Kovalev, News of Pridnestrovie news agency:

Alexander Kazimirovich, in the light of your visit and the visit of your American colleague, should we expect Pridnestrovie to become a permanent topic of discussion at the OSCE Secretariat?

Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE:

I would not link our trip with the trip of the representatives of the United States. They are different. The goals are completely different. It was important for us to draw actual material for analysis from the point of view of the functioning of the presence on the ground on both banks of the Dniester. The fact that this topic is being discussed in the OSCE is undeniable. I would probably note that more attention should be paid to this topic, since the political settlement process is slowing down, in which the OSCE Mission plays a significant role in accordance with its mandate, which clearly spells out the promotion of political settlement. Even such a long-standing mandate of 1993, if you read it, has not lost its relevance from the point of view of the tasks of promoting a peaceful settlement of relations in the interests of stability and security in the region. We will try to cover this topic more actively, of course. This is not up to us. It depends on the plans of the Chairmanship. I think that a visit to the region by the OSCE Chairman-in-Office and his plans for the near future will allow this topic to be discussed more actively within our organization. Mrs. Keiderling within her powers will very soon report to the Permanent Council, and probably we will have much more material to share, including with journalists, our vision of the further prospects for the negotiation process and the work of this field presence in the region.

Irina Levitskaya, TSV:

Vitaly Evgenievich, a question for you. The work of the Russian consular post. How soon can we expect a solution to this problem? Maybe there are already some options? Is it possible to expand the legal grounds so that all compatriots in Pridnestrovie could obtain Russian citizenship?

Vitaly Tryapitsyn, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:

We proceed from the fact that more than 220000 Russian citizens live in Pridnestrovie, and of course, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, everything is being done and everything will be done to ensure that every citizen can receive appropriate consular services. Yes, there are problems and they need to be addressed.

Alexey Kovalev, News of Pridnestrovie news agency:

In connection with the amendments to the Criminal Code adopted in Moldova, the so-called law on separatism, what measures does Russia plan to take to protect the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation living in Pridnestrovie?

Vitaly Tryapitsyn, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:

This is a new law that has just entered into force. This is probably in some way the sovereign right of the Republic of Moldova. We just arrived, specifically, I came in order to collect information and draw the points of view of the parties, because the problems are new. There are questions to law enforcement practice and to the essence, of course.

Irina Levitskaya, TSV:

Vitaly Evgenievich, a question for you. They are demanding more and more in Moldova to withdraw from the 1992 agreement on the principles of a peaceful settlement. How do you feel about such a statement? Is there a position of Russia in case Moldova withdraws from these agreements?

Vitaly Tryapitsyn, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:

The 1992 agreement is the cornerstone of the Pridnestrovian settlement for the Russian Federation. We strictly comply with its provisions. Peace and stability on the Dniester have been maintained on the basis of this agreement for thirty years as is known. This is a very important task for us, a priority. Therefore, we are entirely in favor of keeping this agreement in force and working further, of course.

Alexey Kovalev, News of Pridnestrovie news agency:

Vitaly Evgenievich, I still have a question. In case of Moldova's accession to the European Union, what about Pridnestrovie?

Vitaly Tryapitsyn, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:

It is up to Moldova and the European Union to decide. I think that this process is still not tomorrow and not some kind of short-term perspective, because a candidate for the European Union must meet certain standards. It is probably necessary in the course of this preceding period to develop a framework for solving this problem.

Violetta Ganina, First Pridnestrovian TV channel:

Vadim Nikolayevich, a question for you. You have already said that Russia and Pridnestrovie have a lot in common: both history and rather long-term interaction and cooperation. What are the prospects for this cooperation, is there enough?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

The prospects are huge. Our relations with the Russian Federation can be divided into three or four blocks. The first is military-political interaction. Russia's peacekeeping mission is carried out here. The peacekeepers of Pridnestrovie and the peacekeepers of Moldova are participating in this mission in addition to the peacekeepers of Russia, that is, this is a joint task of maintaining peace. This is what cooperation is all about.

Political interaction is a confirmation of this by the arrival of diplomats. It is thanks to diplomats that we can solve certain problems that concern Russian citizens living in Pridnestrovie.

Economic interaction. The economy of Pridnestrovie, although it is small in comparison with the Russian Federation, with the European economies, but we can give something that is interesting to Russia. And we give. Therefore, there are economic interrelations – even with broken logistics, even with the hostilities that are taking place, imposing certain restrictions on the development of foreign economic relations. They need to be overcome and build long-term economic relations between Pridnestrovie and the Russian Federation, including in terms of developing some Russian business projects on the territory of Pridnestrovie. There are other ties: intercultural, humanitarian, ties in the sphere of education and not only. That's about it. The spectrum is large, there is a lot to work on.


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