Human rights activists: Moldova deliberately undermines the PMR food security

10/27/22 15:28

Human rights activists: Moldova deliberately undermines the PMR food security

The human rights center Pridnestrovian Meridian demanded from the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to stop blocking cargoes for Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, October 27. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The independent human rights center Pridnestrovian Meridian issued an appeal in which it called on the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to stop the practice of blocking Pridnestrovian imports. According to human rights activists, those bureaucratic barriers that Chisinau uses today are far-fetched and politicized.

We are talking about cargoes with food products detained by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova in October. The Pridnestrovian Meridian center does not rule out that Moldova deliberately undermines the food security of the PMR.

We publish the appeal of human rights activists in full.


The independent human rights center Pridnestrovian Meridian draws attention to the next wave of detentions by the Republic of Moldova of products going to Pridnestrovie.

We are talking, in particular, about the shipment of buckwheat and wheat flour detained on October 11 and the shipment of beech-wheat, produced by companies of the Russian Federation, on October 19. The reason for the detention of both shipments was the demand of inspectors from the National Agency for Food Safety of the Republic of Moldova to take samples for laboratory analysis for the content of glyphosate residues. The situation is significantly complicated by the fact that this type of analysis is not performed in the Republic of Moldova itself, while the nearest laboratory certified according to the international accreditation standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is located in Italy.

The politicized and far-fetched nature of these demands made by Moldova for the Pridnestrovian cargo was manifested during the detention of the second shipment. The cargo of beech wheat arrived already accompanied by a test report confirming the absence of glyphosate residues, however, the Republic of Moldova refused to accept the Russian certificate and insists on conducting additional studies. And this is even though the certificate was issued by the Bryansk Testing Laboratory of the FGBI “ARRIAW”, which has the appropriate accreditation in the European system ISO/IEC 17025:2017, confirmed by the German national accreditation body. This is not about caring for the end user, but about the deliberate creation of artificial barriers by Chisinau and blocking food imports in Pridnestrovie.

Restrictive actions regarding food products purchased by Pridnestrovie this year have, unfortunately, become systemic. Recall that since the beginning of the year, Moldova has repeatedly detained other food consignments - chicken eggs, sausage, and poultry meat. By its actions, the Republic of Moldova deliberately undermines the food security of Pridnestrovie and provokes shortages and panic among the population. The situation looks especially bad, given the still unresolved problem of limiting the supply of medical and pharmaceutical products and plant protection products to Pridnestrovie.

The measures taken by the Republic of Moldova to restrict the import of such vital goods as food, medicines, and plant protection products impede the realization of basic human rights, in particular the right to a decent quality of life, including food and medical care, guaranteed by Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and part 3 of Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

We believe that the application by Moldova of restrictive measures to Pridnestrovian imports at a time when other logistics routes are not available is an extremely disturbing, cynical, and inhumane practice. The Pridnestrovian Meridian calls on the Republic of Moldova not to create additional bureaucratic barriers for the import of Pridnestrovian goods, especially with such important categories as food, medical products, and plant protection products.


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