President of the PMR: Pridnestrovie does not pose a military threat

07/04/22 17:30

President of the PMR: Pridnestrovie does not pose a military threat

Vadim Krasnoselsky again reminded about the republic`s peaceful intentions

Tiraspol, July 4. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. There are no preparations for a military campaign in Pridnestrovie, and this is very well observable. This was stated by President Vadim Krasnoselsky in an interview with the Russia 1 TV channel.

“If there are statements that Pridnestrovie poses a military threat in the region, then it is beneficial for someone to rock this boat. We do not pose any military threat. And as for Pridnestrovie, everything is transparent, it is impossible to hide military preparations here. Here is the thing, neither the Pridnestrovian nor the Russian Armed Forces can do this,” the head of state said.

Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that if there were even the slightest indication of some kind of mobilization or other preparations, this would become known right away.

“It would have been evident in other ways. Military people, who are engaged in reconnaissance understand it perfectly well, especially given the peculiarities of the territory. There is no mobilization here, no other training, etc. That`s why sober people will assess the situation,” the President stressed.


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