The head of Kolbasna village administration: Everything is calm

04/28/22 13:05

The head of Kolbasna village administration: Everything is calm

Aerial activity in the village ceased
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Tiraspol, April 27/ Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A calm situation has been maintained the previous day in the Kolbasna village of Rybnitsa district. It was told to Novosti Pridnestrovya by the chairman of the villageadministration Leonid Kurakov.

According to the head, everything is under control. There’re neither movements nor excesses.

Leonid Kurakov clarified that the sound of gunfire had been heard twice the previous day. The first time was on April 26 at about 11 p.m. and on April 27 in the morning. After that, everything was quiet.

“No one is evacuated anywhere, everyone is working. But, of course, there’s anxiety, mainly women worry about children, grandchildren, men all perceive the situation as it is,” Leonid Kurakov noted.

According to the village administration head, drones flights over Kolbasna village also ctoped. They previously regularly flew from Ukraine but didn’t reach the Russian military personnel location.

Early the PMR Internal Affairs Ministry reported that shots were fired from the Ukrainian side in the Pridnestrovian direction of Kolbasna on April 27. There’s a warehouse with weapons in the Kolbasna village . According to experts, this’s the largest ammunition warehouse in Europe.

Before that, a series of terrorist attacks took place in Pridnestrovie. Unknown people fired rocket-propelled grenades at the building of the PMR State Security Ministry on the evening of April 25. On the same day, at about 11:30 p.m. two explosive devices, presumably dropped from a drone, detonated on the territory of the military unit aeronautical area in Parkany. Early in the morning of April 26, two aerials of the Pridnestrovian radio and television center were blown up in the Mayak village of the Grigoriopol region. In connection with these attacks, a red level of terrorist danger has been established in Pridnestrovie.

About twenty thousand tons of ammunition have been stored in military warehouses near the Kolbasna village since Soviet Union times, some of which were produced back in the 1950s of the twentieth century. Warehouses are guarded by the servicemen of the Russian Forces Operational Group in Pridnestrovie.


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