The President took part in the expanded meeting of the Collegium of the PMR Ministry of Justice

02/28/22 15:25

The President took part in the expanded meeting of the Collegium of the PMR Ministry of Justice

It has become a working norm to hold meetings and other discussion meetings in the format of a videoconference. The reporting event of the Ministry of Justice was held in this mode today. The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the work of the Collegium of the PMR Ministry of Justice. A report on the main directions and performance indicators of the department as well as information on the tasks facing the ministry was voiced by its head Alexandra Tumba.

The Minister spoke about the work of the Office of the Ministry of Justice, aimed at improving the legal framework, as well as the ongoing legal and anti-corruption examination of documents. She drew attention to the incomplete adherence to such principles of law-making activities as unity, completeness and consistency of legal acts, which creates difficulties in application and difficulties in interpreting the norms. Another problematic aspect is the duplicate submission to the Ministry of Justice of projects that are identical in essence and content, the repeated examination of which leads to an irrational use of resources and an increase in the deadlines for completing the tasks faced by the department. The PMR Minister of Justice called on the state authorities, when implementing law-making functions, to actively involve and more effectively use the law-making potential of specialized services at the stage of drafting legal acts.

Alexandra Tumba spoke about the work carried out by the ministry to create a reference electronic database of Pridnestrovian legislative acts. It is planned to take as a basis the developed Concept of the state information system, which is currently being approved by the Ministry of Digital Development. The system is expected to be put into operation in 2023.

The Speaker focused on the results of the activities of the registration service and notaries. More than two hundred legal entities, branches and representative offices were entered into the State Register in 2021 (slightly less than in 2020). State notaries performed 60177 actions, and private notaries almost 89000 during the year. Alexandra Tumba said that the problem is the placement of archival funds, considering the large number of documents that require eternal storage. The problem is most acute in Dubossary, Rybnitsa and Grigoriopol. The Minister considers it expedient to revise the list by isolating duplicate and outdated technical documents. The issue of expanding the area of ​​premises intended for the storage of archives remains open.

The Minister informed that 81 objects of intellectual property were registered in the reporting period. Pridnestrovians used the "Portal of Public Services of the PMR" information system 5224 times. The State Supervision Service held 1151 events. The number of citizens' appeals is 927. Topics: housing and communal services and construction, labor standards, consumer rights, veterinary legislation. 979 violations were revealed. More than half (562) were eliminated within the established time frame. 361 prescriptions and 191 submissions were issued (less than in previous periods). 238 unscheduled inspections related to compliance with the requirements to combat the spread of ragweed.

Speaking about the activities of the State Service of Bailiffs subordinate to the Ministry of Justice, the minister said that almost 96 thousand enforcement proceedings were in progress at the beginning of 2021 (11.6% more than a year earlier). The territorial departments received 74612 documents, 72154 productions were completed. The bailiffs of the territorial departments recovered 84.4 million rubles  in 2021, 536.7 thousand US dollars, 50 euros, 305 LEI RM, 59 thousand hryvnias to the budgetary and extra-budgetary funds of the republic, as well as to the income of organizations and citizens – a total of 4 .3% more than in 2020.

There were 943 enforcement proceedings in 2021 for the recovery of wages for a total amount of 10.5 million rubles. They collected 2.3 million. 156 acts of inventory and seizure of property of debtors directed for forced sale (the value of 64 million rubles) were drawn up. 12 out of 47 announced auctions took place.

There were 7786 proceedings on the recovery of alimony in 2021. The recipients were transferred 21.5 million rubles (27.5% more than in 2020). Alexandra Tumba said that the average workload per bailiff in 2021 was 2711 proceedings. The territorial departments received 5352 appeals during the year, answers were given for 5231.

The Minister spoke about the explanatory work on the implementation of labor legislation, which is being conducted by the Ministry of Justice. Seminars are being held. There are facts of violation of existing norms. Alexandra Tumba gave examples. She said that there were facts of concealment of accidents at work. A part of the report was devoted to supervision measures in the housing and communal services sector. The violations that occur more often than others are named. The speaker mentioned domestic accidents that occurred when using gas. During the year, 33 people were injured, three of them died. The main reason is a gross violation of safety rules - both by users and employees of organizations responsible for the maintenance of devices. The Minister spoke about the violations revealed during control measures at hazardous production facilities. She spoke about cases of non-payment of wages. She focused on the department’s activity plans for 2022.

Vitaly Ishchenko acted as a co-rapporteur of the Head of the department. He informed about the operational activities of the units of the State Penitentiary Service in 2021, the state of affairs in the institutions of the penitentiary system, the needs and plans to upgrade their infrastructure, the functioning of the Ostrog state unitary production enterprise, the employment of convicts, the staffing situation (staffing of service units execution of punishment today is 76%).

Оfficial comments on the report were given by the Prosecutor of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Anatoly Guretsky. He focused on certain aspects of the activities of the departments of the Ministry of Justice, pointing out some shortcomings and outlining possible ways to solve the identified problems.

The President's speech was about the problematic aspects that require increased attention. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the importance of interaction between the Ministry of Justice and government authorities, improving the legal framework, and improving the skills of specialists. He dwelled separately on the situation in the penitentiary system. The President said that global changes in infrastructure are the task of the state, but current issues should be addressed locally and on an ongoing basis. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the conditions of military service by conscripts involved in the State Penitentiary Service. The prosecutor's office will conduct appropriate checks, including with regard to providing uniforms and food. The PMR President paid attention to the issue of improving the mechanism of parole.

In general, the activities of the subdivisions of the Ministry of Justice of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic were recognized as satisfactory at the end of 2021.



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