The President presented the award to the most worthy entrepreneur of 2021

02/26/22 21:54

The President presented the award to the most worthy entrepreneur of 2021

The results of the "Person of the Year" state contest have been summed up. It has been held in Pridnestrovie since 1996. The winners were determined in 19 nominations this time. Innovations of 2021 – is "Best Builder of the Year". This year, as in the previous year, a surge in the incidence of coronavirus did not allow the awards ceremony to be held in its traditional festive and solemn format. The attributes of the winner were given to each hero separately. The winner in the Entrepreneur of the Year nomination Vladimir Trandasir received a diploma, a commemorative medal and a competitive statuette from the hands of the PMR President.

The head of Research and Production CJSC Electromash was nominated for participation in the competition by the All-Republican Association of Employers of the Union of Industrialists, Agrarians and Entrepreneurs of Pridnestrovie. The rationale indicates the modern achievements of the plant, which Vladimir Trandasir has been in charge of since 2014. The production was mentioned – mainly for export – of large-sized and massive engines, participation in the program for the restoration of the reclamation complex of Pridnestrovie, the manufacture of LED lamps of various capacities and equipment used in the housing and communal services and urban amenities. The active participation of the enterprise in the dual education program was not left without attention. A training center was opened at the plant in 2019. They train specialists in such professions as "Machinist of a wide profile", "Electric and gas welder", "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of equipment". Personnel are in demand not only at Elektromash itself, but also at other industrial enterprises. An interesting detail: Vladimir Trandasir initiated a competition of professional skills in 2018. At first it was declared as city competition, in 2021 it received the status of a republican. This is a joint project of the Elektromash plant and the Tiraspol Public Education Department. Its goal is to improve the image of working professions. Other facts of the biography of Vladimir Trandasir deserve attention: he is a laureate of the "Recognition-2019" city competition in the nomination "Management", and heads the State Examination Commission of Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko in the economic direction, profile "Accounting, analysis and audit".

Preservation of the best production traditions and development of new technologies, participation in import substitution, worthy representation of Pridnestrovie in the international industrial segment, creation of jobs, fulfillment of social obligations, significant contribution to the republican economy, scientific and educational activities - all these components of the enterprise's work were discussed by the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky and General Director of Research and Production CJSC Electromash Vladimir Trandasir. The PMR President invited the winner of the "Person of the Year 2021" contest in the "Entrepreneur of the Year" nomination to personally congratulate and note the role of the leader in the development of the enterprise.

Congratulating the laureate of the state competition, Vadim Krasnoselsky asked to convey the words of gratitude to the entire staff of the plant, emphasizing that this victory is recognition of the merits not only of the head of the enterprise, but also of each of his employees. The President set the task for recognized as the best in 2021the Pridnestrovian entrepreneur to consolidate success, continue activities, and develop the plant and the country's industry as a whole.


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