Peacekeepers of Moldova found its way in Kochieri without consent

12/09/21 18:45

Peacekeepers of Moldova found its way in Kochieri without consent

JCC reminds of the need to coordinate any relocations and exercises

Tiraspol, December 9. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A rapid response unit of the Moldovan peacekeepers was spotted in the area of ​​the Kochieri village, Dubossary Region. It found its way there without the Joint Military Command consent, as the Joint Control Commission, the governing body of the peacekeeping operation, noted. 

The Pridnestrovian delegation to the JCC considers that such actions of the Moldovan peacekeepers are a dangerous precedent. Relocation in the Security Zone needs to be coordinated, as the Russian peacekeepers did before the recent exercises.

“The parties took a certain time-out until next week to work out proposals so that the relations between the sides of Moldova and Pridnestrovie could be brought closer in terms of conflict situations and the impossibility of any confrontation,” Oleg Belyakov, the JCC Co-Chairman from Pridnestrovie told the press.


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