COVID statistics

11/29/21 10:39

COVID statistics

According to the information announced at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus, 3307 Pridnestrovians are carriers of COVID-19 at the moment. 1754 of them are being treated in specialized hospitals. There are 242 hospital beds in the Slobodzeya hospital, 198 in the Rybnitsa hospital, 182 in the Dubossary hospital, 379 in two hospitals of Bendery, 694 in three hospitals of Tiraspol, 59 in the Kamenka hospital. 8 people undergo treatment in the penal institution number 3. The total workload of the Pridnestrovian hospital COVID network is 75%. 400 people or 23% of the total number of hospitalized at the moment citizens are hard to tolerate coronavirus, 37 are patients in intensive care units, five are connected to ventilators. 1545 Pridnestrovians are being treated at home. 175 such patients needed hospitalization from 22 to 28 November. The number of children infected with coronavirus dropped to 88 (113 children with coronavirus infection were registered a week earlier).

7284 samples of the biomaterial of citizens with suspicion of infection were examined during the week (359846 during the entire period of the pandemic). The fact of the disease in the reporting period was confirmed in 1864 cases. The average daily incidence is 266 (a week earlier - 290). The decrease in the indicator has been observed for the fifth week in a row. In total 77392 cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded in Pridnestrovie during the coronavirus pandemic. 1783 carriers of the virus – 2.3% of cases died (forty-four deaths of the disease in a week), 70302 people or 93% of those infected coped with the disease (during the reporting week, 2260 recovered). 2188 Pridnestrovians are in obligatory self-isolation.

107 classrooms in 39 general educational institutions of secondary education as well as 36 groups in 29 kindergartens were quarantined in the republic from 22 to 28 November.

2459 Pridnestrovians underwent a full course of vaccination during the reporting period. 119962 people in total were vaccinated against COVID-19 in the republic or 31.4% of the adult population.


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