The Commander-in-Chief inspected the army infrastructure facilities repair

11/26/21 12:45

The Commander-in-Chief inspected the army infrastructure facilities repair

The President continues to inspect the progress of repair and construction work at social facilities. Vadim Krasnoselsky examined the army infrastructure today. Increased attention is being paid to improving the conditions of military service. The work has been activated since 2017. The facilities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense are included in the state capital investment program starting from 2019 on behalf of the President. The commander-in-chief regularly visits military units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense, assessing the situation on the spot and, together with the leadership of the department, determining the priorities and sequence of work. Reconstruction and re-equipment were carried out in the Main Headquarters of the PMR Armed Forces, as well as in the Training Center of the PMR Ministry of Defense. The barracks fund is being put in order.

Vadim Krasnoselsky visited the engineering and sapper division during today's inspection. The soldiers' canteen is being renovated here. The building, built back in 1917, required major repairs. The heating, water supply and electricity supply systems have already been replaced. Redevelopment of industrial premises was partially carried out. It is planned to complete the repair and construction work in the shops of the catering unit by the end of the year. Kitchen equipment will be replaced. Mandatory re-equipment of renovated facilities is the principal position of the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky asked if the dining room was supposed to be renovated. According to the Minister of Defense Oleg Obruchkov, this is a matter of the near future.

The participants of the visiting meeting talked about progress in renovating the barracks, noting that not only their appearance is changing, but also the principle of forming the army infrastructure. The President visited one of the military units, where a new two-story building was built for conscripts. This is the first facility built from scratch in the entire history of the PMR Ministry of Defense. It was commissioned this summer. A parade ground has been thought out on the territory. A gym is equipped. A sports town is being equipped with a football and volleyball court, an obstacle course and equipment necessary for physical education and sports.

Large-scale construction work has begun on the territory of the military town of the Tiraspol garrison: a modern 4-storey building is being erected for the cadets of the Military Institute. They had already poured foundation, raised the basement floor. The commander-in-chief asked about the timing. It is planned that cadets will be able to receive education within the new walls from 2023.

The President arrived at the Main Headquarters of the PMR Armed Forces upon completion of the inspection. Its reconstructed and re-equipped building is a prime example of the army's transformation. The commander-in-chief examined the updated exhibition reflecting the army history from Suvorov times to the present day. The museum contains approximately 500 exhibits.

The meeting of the Military Collegium of the Ministry of Defense of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was held in the assembly hall of the General Staff. The Commander-in-Chief Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the work.


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