The President met with representatives of the Duma factions in Moscow

11/11/21 15:33

The President met with representatives of the Duma factions in Moscow

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky continues his working visit to Moscow. New meetings were held today in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The PMR President met with the leader of the "Fair Russia - For the Truth" party, Sergei Mironov as well as with the deputies of the "Fair Russia" Ruslan Tatarinov and Leonid Romanovich.

The state of affairs in Pridnestrovie and abroad was discussed after exchanging greetings. Vadim Krasnoselsky presented the latest information. Sergei Mironov noted that the representatives of the "Fair Russia" are following the development of the situation and have heard a lot about the transport blockade in relation to the Pridnestrovians. The Russian parliamentarian assured the PMR President that the republic can count on the support of the "Fair Russia". Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the problems faced by Pridnestrovians, stressing that they are Russian compatriots regardless of their citizenship of the Russian Federation. He focused on the issues of obtaining Russian citizenship by all citizens of the PMR, the introduction of Russian maternity capital on the territory of Pridnestrovie, the possibility of receiving free medical care on the territory of Russia by citizens of the Russian Federation living in the PMR. We are talking about oncological diseases, treatment of children, as well as those who need high-tech operations that are not carried out in medical institutions of Pridnestrovie.

The PMR President also touched upon the issue of the status of the Pridnestrovian State University. The educational institution is accredited in Russia, but not fully integrated into the Russian educational space. There is no access to the Russian system "Electronic University" and "Electronic Library". Assigning the status of Russian-Pridnestrovian university to PSU would help solve these problems and provide new opportunities for our students, teachers and the development of science in Pridnestrovie, the PMR President noted.

Sergei Mironov said that letters outlining the problems of Pridnestrovians will be sent to the ministries of education and health of the Russian Federation as well as to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

There was a conversation with the press - journalists of "TASS", "RIA Novosti" and the parliamentary television "Duma TV" as a result of the meeting with representatives the "Fair Russia - For the Truth" party.

Another meeting took place in the Liberal Democratic Party of the State Duma. The PMR President talked with the deputy chairmen of this faction, Vasily Vlasov and Yaroslav Nilov. The parliamentarians conveyed to Vadim Krasnoselsky the words of the leader of the party Vladimir Zhirinovsky that the Liberal Democratic Party has always supported Pridnestrovie and maintains this course. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed gratitude to the leader and members of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party for their support.

They talked at the meeting about the Pridnestrovian-Russian relations as well as about the fact that Pridnestrovie and Moldova have chosen different vectors and different paths for the development of the republics. “It is difficult to separate modern Pridnestrovie from the Russian Federation. The neighboring state has chosen its own path - Western integration. Pridnestrovie has a choice - for unity with Russia”, said Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The meeting participants agreed on further cooperation, outlining spheres and plans for practical cooperation.


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