The President congratulated the PSU Medicine Faculty graduates and in their person everyone who completed their university studies

07/23/21 16:22

The President congratulated the PSU Medicine Faculty graduates and in their person everyone who completed their university studies

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Pridnestrovian State University named after T.G. Shevchenko with more than 90 years of history that meets modern scientific and educational standards. It consists of eight faculties, two institutes and the same number of branches. The staff of the Pridnestrovian State University is about two thousand people. More than half of the employees are directly involved in scientific and educational activities. A third of the teaching staff are candidates and doctors of sciences. The learning process is organized in three languages. The student community unites about ten thousand people. They study in 230 undergraduate and graduate courses. 1786 graduates finished in 2021. Almost a thousand have completed full-time training, 790 - graduates of the correspondence department. As a result of the training, 372 now former students of the Pridnestrovian State University earned honors. The documents on graduation from the university were in the hands of everyone, except for the graduates of the medical faculty of the Pridnestrovian State University by today. They complete the series of celebrations. The PMR President with his family arrived at the final university graduation of this year. The celebration took place at the site of the Cultural and Educational Center of the Pridnestrovian State University.

It was noted during the festive event that this year is a jubilee for the Faculty of Medicine. General medical faculty was created in 1991 on the basis of a single specialized department that time. Today, the medical faculty consists of 12 departments, nine of which are clinical (they operate on the basis of medical institutions of the republic). 23 graduates provided the health care system with 1636 specialists of various medical fields. More than two dozen dentists, trained by Pridnestrovian State University start their professional careers this year (a new specialty for the university was introduced in 2016). In general, 101 graduates received diplomas of graduation from the Faculty of Medicine of Pridnestrovian State University (16 graduated with honors). 64 graduates have already been employed. This is not the end of the learning process. Health care is the sphere that requires constant professional development, self-education, replenishment of knowledge and practical experience from personnel, said Vadim Krasnoselsky, referring to the main characters of today's celebration. He called obtaining higher education an important stage in his life, and the choice of the profession of a doctor – vocational aptitude. The fact that the young people receive diplomas in their hands suggests that this very choice was not accidental, but deliberate. The President spoke about the importance of the profession of a doctor and that the Pridnestrovian state is working to create the most comfortable infrastructure of the healthcare system for both medical workers and patients. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that 2022 will be declared the Year of Healthcare in Pridnestrovie.

The President addressed the words of gratitude to the teaching staff of the university, noting that the main university of the country is also changing. Vadim Krasnoselsky in the person of young doctors congratulated everyone who successfully completed the process of obtaining higher education this year.


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