The PMR President on RF State Duma statement

06/17/21 10:18

The PMR President on RF State Duma statement

According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, such a statement is a specific official signal from Russia as an influential world-power

Tiraspol, June 17. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky in his Telegram channel commented on the statement of the Russian State Duma on Pridnestrovie, adopted the previous day.

“I believe that the adopted statement well reflects the whole “nervousness” as well as acuteness of the current moment, focusing on the inadmissibility of any Pridnestrovian sanctions and blockades, the international negotiation mechanisms’ for settlement of relations with Moldova activation, maintaining the peacekeeping operation on the Dniester river, foregrounding forms of Russian citizens’ supporting and Russian compatriots, who are living in our republic,” the statement on the messenger says.

The PMR President strongly believe that such statement is the very specific official signal from Russia as an influential world power, a responsible warrantor as well as a mediator in the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian settlement, applying to all participants, who are involved in region-wide processes.

“I share qualms as well as concernments of Russian partners. As usual, Pridnestrovians are ready for joint actions, because, over the span of the previous statement adoption by the Russian State Duma in July 2017, the situation around Pridnestrovie, in the negotiation process and in protecting Russian citizens as well as compatriots in the PMR rights and interests hasn’t improved or become more stable,” Vadim Krasnoselsky says, noting that Pridnestrovie will continue working together on effective mechanisms of Russian-Pridnestrovian collaboration, adapted to the present-day difficult reality.


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