From the beginning of year, the volume of manufacturing output increased by 16.2%

05/25/21 18:43

From the beginning of year, the volume of manufacturing output increased by 16.2%

Growth was shown not only by traditional metallurgy and electrical energy industry, but also by other industries

Tiraspol, May 25. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. In April, the industrial output’s volume exceeded figures recorded a year earlier by more than one third. However, in comparison with March (which showed the highest values for the last few years), the figures turned out to be 2.2% less. Totally, according to the Pridnestrovian Republican Bank, referring to the State Statistics Administration, in April products at the sum of 1 billion 346.7 million rubles were produced.

Majority of industries showed a growth, number of them (due to the low comparison base caused by the strict quarantine restrictions introduced in April of the year of 2020) showed even double-digit growth rates. The flour-and-cereal industry became the only exception, which, due to scanty harvests of the previous year, reduced its output.

The results of the April large industrial enterprises’ opinion poll also indicate the continuing recovery changes in business activity. The industrial encouraging index rose to 12%, exceeding the March value by 6.6 percentage points. The manufacturing sector’s business activity index surpassed the stabilization mark, amounting to 52.1 points, however its level was at 3.4 percentage points lower than in the previous month.

Counting from the beginning of the year, the total worth of industrial output increased by 16.2% over the same previous year’s period and amounted to 4 billion 936 million rubles. In comparison with previous periods, when the industry was pulled upwards by metallurgy as well as electric power, at that moment other sectors also showed growth.

The export-import

In compliance with the agricultural and other organizations’ activities, the dynamics of foreign economic operations of the republic’s residents was differently directed.

Thus, the annual upward trend in the goods export was interrupted and in April decreased by 5.5% compared to March, amounting to 66.8 million dollars. At the same time, against the background of the last year’s low base, there is an increasing 1.8 times compared to the previous year. Imports of goods expanded both to the indicator in March (higher by 7.3%) and to the same month of the previous year’s value (higher by 46.3%). Its statistical value has reached 114.8 million dollars.

Since the beginning of this year, the goods’ export has increased by 33.1%, to 251.1 million dollars. Imports increased by 7.8% and amounted to 391.3 million dollars. Thus, the credit balance deficit formed in the amount of 140.2 million dollars, which is 19.6% less than in the same period of the previous year.

Dynamics within a particular field

In April the ferrous metallurgy’s output amounted to 566.1 million rubles, which is 4.8% less than in March, however 1.6 times more than in April last year. Against the background of a favorable situation on the world market, the available generating capacity since the beginning of the year has exceeded last year’s figures by 1.4 times. Steel melting as well as rolled products’ commercial output increased.

Consequently, sales abroad increased (2.1 times, to 129.8 million dollars). At the same time, against the background of rising scrap costs, imports of goods, belonging to this group expanded at 1.8 times, to 92 million dollars.

In the electric power industry, the April volume of production yielded about 2.7% to the March value, amounting to 362.1 million rubles. This’s 10.5% higher than last year’s parameters. Totally, in the period from January to April, the production volume reached 1 billion 437 million rubles, exceeding parameters of the previous year’s same period by 10.5%. Since the beginning of the year, electricity has been sold abroad in the amount of 50.1 million dollars, which is for 8.1% higher than a year ago.

In light industry after a three-month growth decreasing in production volumes was recorded as compared to March by 5.7%. Totally about 138.2 million rubles were produced, which is 2 times more than a year ago. Since the beginning of the year, the industry output amounted to 520.4 million rubles, which is 14.1% more than the previous year’s parameters. The growth in volumes was influenced by the expansion of the cotton fabrics’ production, sewing knitwear, clothing as well as footwear. The light manufactured goods’ export since the beginning of the year has grown by 40.6% and formed at the level of 23.9 million dollars. imports of this group’s goods also increased by 32.3% to 20.3 million dollars.

In the building materials industry, the upward dynamics has been continuing: in April, output increased by 1.5 times against the March level and by 35.2% against April of the previous year. Totally, goods worth almost 57 million rubles were produced. Since the beginning of the year, sectoral output has formed within 95% of the previous year’s comparable figure and amounted to about 120.5 million rubles. As usual, the gap with basic values of the cement, aggregates as well as ready-mixed concrete’s production volumes was recorded, but it’s gradually decreasing. At the same time, there was an increasing in the production of unreinforced concrete products, clinker brick, integrated structures, reinforced concrete products as well as cement mortar. Foreign sales of cement, sand as well as gravel increased by 6.2% to 5.9 million dollars. Mineral products’ purchases from foreign partners, if considering it from the beginning of the year, decreased by 7.5% to 1.9 million dollars.

The electrical engineering industry in April showed a slight drop on March (lower by 3.5%). Totally, goods were produced in the amount of 22.8 million rubles, which exceeded April parameters of the year of 2020 by 13.6%. Since the beginning of this year, the output in the industry has formed at the level of 78 million rubles, having yielded 13.5% to the base value. The decline was mainly caused by a decreasing in the laminated electrical insulating materials, electric machines, low-power electric motors, coils wire as well as cable products’ production.

The output in mechanical engineering was characterized by positive dynamics both to the March value (higher by 3.2%) and to the base period parameters (by 2.1 times), in monetary terms amounting to 20.9 million rubles. At the same time, according to the results of work in the period from January to April, the production volume didn’t recover to the previous year indicators and formed at the level of 75.6 million rubles, which is 4.5% lower than the base period’s level. The engineering products’ export yielded to basic parameters by 5%, amounting to 6.7 million dollars. On the contrary, imports against the background of growing business activity increased by 26.1% to 45 million dollars.

The chemical industry showed a growth both by March (by 15.7%) and by April of the previous year (by 4.8%), reaching 26 million rubles in absolute terms. Sectoral output since the beginning of the year amounted to 90.5 million rubles, which is 20.8% lower than the value of the comparable period. Less produced prepreg, synthetic resin, plastics, varnishes, fiberglass including articles made therefrom. Since the beginning of the year, exports of chemical products and related industries amounted to 4.1 million dollars (less by 3% than a previous year), imports – about 33.6 million dollars (higher by 10.4%).

The output’s parameters in the food industry (about 136.7 million rubles) in April decreased by 6.6% to March, but increased by 23.6% to the basic value. Since the beginning of the year, the volume of output in the industry amounted to 523.2 million rubles, exceeding last year’s parameters by 10.7%. The bigger value of vegetable oil, alcoholic beverages (including cognac spirits, strong alcoholic liqueurs and drinks, vermouth, wines, vodka as well as alcoholic beverages). The growth was also shown by the refrigerated meat’s production, finished products and butter. At the same time, the output of hard and soft cheeses, fresh (refrigerated) meat, semi-finished meat products, bread and flour products decreased.

The volume of the flour and cereals industry’s production in April was about 14.3 million rubles, which is by 5.4% lower than in March and 18.7% lower than in April last year. The decreasing in production parameters in period from January to April by 16.6%, to 56.5 million rubles, is associated with a decreasing in the flour, grits and brans production. Exports also decreased – by 29.4%, reaching 29.3 million dollars, counting from the beginning of the year. On the other hand, imports grew by 3.2% to 50 million dollars.

In the polygraphic industry volumes increased: by 10.2% to March and by 2.8% to April of the previous year, reaching about 1.8 million rubles. However, since the beginning of the year, the results of the activities of the industry (in the amount of 6.9 million rubles) turned out to be less by 19.1% than in the same period in the previous year. There was a decline in the book, brochures, paper and stationery goods, printed blanks, newspapers and publications’ production.


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