PMR President: Our veterans fought for the truth, for the life of their Motherland, and we will always look up to their stoutness and solidarity

05/09/21 11:16

PMR President: Our veterans fought for the truth, for the life of their Motherland, and we will always look up to their stoutness and solidarity

Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated veterans, servicemen and all Pridnestrovians on Victory Day
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Tiraspol, May 9. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the PMR congratulated veterans, military personnel and all Pridnestrovians on Victory Day. During the Military Parade, Vadim Krasnoselsky made a welcoming and congratulatory statement.

“76 years separate us from the victorious May 1945, and today we understand what price the heroic Soviet people had to pay for the victory over the world evil - fascism, which country turned a new page of life and creation in world history. May 9 is a sacred holiday for our people. Thousands of Pridnestrovians died on the Great Patriotic War fronts, did not return from Nazi camps, died during the occupation. We bow our heads before the memory of those whose lives were taken by the war,” the head of state said, declaring a minute of silence.

Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that Victory Day is our history, our pride, and the Pridnestrovian people say thanks to the veterans with great appreciation and love, worship their unforgettable heroism.

“Every year there are fewer veterans. Our duty is not to leave them without attention and care, to pass on experience and covenants to new generations. Dear veterans, you are literally a heroic legendary generation of winners. Only brave and strong spirit people who selflessly love their Motherland, their people can withstand the trials that fell to your lot,” Vadim Krasnoselsky stressed.

“We have a special responsibility - to preserve the memory of the heroic deeds of the people during the Great Patriotic War, to preserve traditions, to achieve new successes by hard work for our Motherland prosperity,” the President added.

Vadim Krasnoselsky addressed the parade participants, noting that they are the heirs of the winners, the successors of Soviet soldiers` glorious traditions.

“Our veterans fought for the truth, for the life of their Motherland, and we will always look up to their stoutness and solidarity. It is our sacred duty to preserve freedom and peace for future generations, to preserve the battle-hardened unity and inter-ethnic harmony of the Pridnestrovian people,” the President said.

The head of state congratulated all compatriots, wishing them good health, prosperity, patience and happiness.

“Let the sky over Pridnestrovie be always peaceful and bright. Happy holidays! Glory to the victorious people! Happy Victory Day!" Vadim Krasnoselsky concluded.


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