The President held a meeting on the development of the draft budget for 2021

09/10/20 17:02

The President held a meeting on the development of the draft budget for 2021

Opening the meeting on the draft of the country's main financial document for the coming year, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that today's discussion is rather an introductory discussion, a kind of introduction to further consolidated work on the law-in-draft. The President invited the authors of the document to the working conversation - leadership of the Government and its financial and economic departments, parliamentarians and the chairman of the PRB.

Alexander Martynov outlined the government's vision of the formation of income and expenditure items of the republican budget, noting that a specially created working group worked out the forecast indicators of the Pridnestrovian economy, on which budget parameters directly depend. GDP is expected at 14,5 billion rubles. It is almost identical to 2019. The comparison is being made with it, since 2020 was seriously complicated by the pandemic. Industrial production is forecast to be 3% less than in 2019 (but 3% more than in 2020). Foreign trade turnover is also expected to be lower than 2019 (exports - minus 10%, imports will decrease by 7%). Forecasted inflation is 4%. Currency trading range is 16.1-16.5 rubles per conventional unit. Expenditures – 6,5 billion (45% of GDP), revenues – 4,4 billion. The PMR Chairman of the Government drew attention of the meeting participants to the fact that the dynamics of income growth included in the draft budget exceeds the increase in expenses. Alexander Martynov also said that it is not planned to increase the tax burden on the economy: it will remain at the level of 29% of GDP. The deficit of 2,1 billion rubles is seen by the developers of the document to be covered. The sources are enshrined.

The 2021 budget is socially oriented with development trend. The main expenses are related to the payment of salaries and pensions. Their growth is planned. The approach to increasing public sector wages is likely to be differentiated. So far, we are talking about a gradation from 4 to 20%, but this framework is under discussion, Alexander Martynov emphasized. First of all, salaries should increase for doctors, teachers and military personnel, according to the Government. The increase is proposed from April 1.

As for the formation of funds, the presence of which makes the financial document a development budget, many of the state programs operating this year will be retained. At the same time, the size of the funds will be reduced to the level of the state's capabilities. We are talking about the FKV, the Road Fund, as well as funds for development of entrepreneurship and support for youth and young families. Funding resources are envisaged to cover the inter-tariff difference and accounts payable of previous years.

Some details of the project were discussed in the discussion part of the meeting. Parliamentarians asked, for example, whether it is planned to increase tariffs for utilities for the population. The plans for 2021 do not include this measure. They talked about buying apartments for orphans. The project includes the acquisition of 52 apartments.

Discussion of the draft budget-2021 will continue after detailed study of Government proposals. The norm of the budgetary process is the introduction of numerous amendments by various subjects of legislative initiative. The President directed the representatives of the legislative and executive branches of Government to consolidated work, recalling that the main reference point should be the self-sufficiency of the republic.


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