The PMR President held the Security Council meeting

07/03/20 17:38

The PMR President held the Security Council meeting

The main issue included to the agenda of the PMR Security Council meeting was the situation associated with the rapid spread of coronavirus infection in neighboring states, as well as discussion of measures to combat COVID-19 in Pridnestrovie. The topics discussed include provocative actions by the Republic of Moldova in the Security Zone, stagnation of the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and Moldova.

Due to the worsening epidemiological situation in Moldova, on the eve of the Pridnestrovian Operational Headquarters, it was decided to revoke most of the permits for crossing the border earlier issued to Pridnestrovians. We are talking about citizens working in Moldovan enterprises, where outbreaks of infection have been recorded recently. One of these enterprises, Codru, employs 104 Pridnestrovians, 10 of which are already infected.

While Moldova is included in the “red zone” by the world community in terms of the number of coronavirus infections, the epidemiological situation in Pridnestrovie is stable, and the number of cases of infection detected daily is decreasing. According to the President, this is the result of the timely introduction of “hard quarantine” in the republic. Vadim Krasnoselsky is sure that the negative epidemiological scenario of Moldova should not jeopardize the security and lives of Pridnestrovians. Commenting on toughening the rules for crossing the border, the President emphasized that we not isolate ourselves from the coronavirus infection and not from the people, but from the virus.

Some political representatives of Moldova expressed dissatisfaction with the decisions adopted by the leadership of Pridnestrovie. The President reminded those present about the inadmissibility of political games in the pandemic.

Commenting on the statements of the Moldovan side about the additional border posts in the security zone allegedly installed by Pridnestrovie, the President emphasized, that the state border has always been guarded by the military structure - the border service of the Ministry of State Security. This is the protection of the outer perimeter. So it will be in the future. As for quarantine posts, these are temporary restrictions associated with the rapid spread of coronavirus infection in the neighboring state. 

Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev during the meeting said that such actions by the Moldovan authorities could adversely affect the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and Moldova.

During the working discussion, members of the PMR Security Council discussed various response measures, the adoption of which will protect the lives, interests and rights of citizens of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. As a result of the meeting, it was decided to apply with the relevant appeals to the international community.


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