RM threats regarding the functioning of peacekeeping post No. 9 were discussed in the course of the meeting of the Pridnestrovian Security Council

02/25/20 19:00

RM threats regarding the functioning of peacekeeping post No. 9 were discussed in the course of the meeting of the Pridnestrovian Security Council

The President gathered members of the PMR Security Council today. The meeting was held in an expanded format. One of the issues included to the agenda is threats to the functioning of peacekeeping post No. 9. The keynote speaker was Oleg Belyakov, Co-Chair of the JCC from Pridnestrovie. He recalled the situation in the central section of the Security Zone. It is about the dissemination by the Moldovan side of information about possible provocations at the posts of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces and the indignation of 12 thousand inhabitants of the settlements of Dubossary district - Koshnitsa, Poryta, Pogrebia and Dorotskoye, who, according to the statement, prevent the communication with the right bank. Oleg Belyakov emphasized that today the Moldovan side is proposing to abolish the post at the existing site and install on the Koshnitsa -Dubossary highway in violation of Protocol No. 4 of the JCC meeting, according to which all bridges and crossings in the Security Zone should be guarded by peacekeeping forces.

The PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev noted that the PMR Foreign Ministry by diplomatic methods warned the Moldovan side against taking any provocative actions in the Security Zone that could have far-reaching negative consequences.

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky, for his part, noted that the actions of the Moldovan side as a whole are quite predictable. The current situation was preceded by many years of attempts to destabilize the work of the “Permanent Meeting ...” format, to make decisions “in a dark room” - without the participation of Pridnestrovie, to destroy the existing peacekeeping mechanism. The PMR President described the current incident as a direct threat to peacekeeping - Pridnestrovian and Russian.

Following the discussion of the issue, the President instructed the foreign ministry of the republic to officially inform all participants of the “5 + 2” format about the current situation, and to contact the Moldovan side so that the law enforcement bodies of the Republic of Moldova give a legal assessment of the actions of officials who fuel tensions in the Zone security. In addition, the relevant departments were instructed to create a joint group for rapid response in case of a complication of the situation in the Security Zone. The post should be fully staffed, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky, referring to the PMR Minister of Defense. Law enforcement agencies are instructed to pay increased attention to citizens participating in provocative events in the Security Zone. Vadim Krasnoselsky reminded the interlocutors of the effect of the article of the PMR Criminal Code that provides for criminal liability for denying the positive role of the Russian peacekeeping mission on the Dniester.


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